The Loneliness Epidemic

Julius Apostata For some people, finding a date is easy: simply walk up to someone you find cute, have a conversation, one thing leads to another, and congratulations! You now have a significant other. Of course, this is a rather oversimplified summary of finding a date, and many—myself included—have run through this general outline a couple of times. Yet what if I told you that there are some that have NOT run through this process;…

The Economics of… Sex?

By Siddharth Gundapaneni Public perception of varying sexual behaviors has rapidly changed during the last century. Premarital sex no longer faces the societal stigmas it once did, pornography is more acceptable than ever, and support for prostitution is also reaching highs. Why are these changes occurring? Has society gone sex-crazed? Have people begun to just care less about what others do in the bedroom? While some of these propositions may be true, they are hardly…

The Loneliness of COVID Cinematography

By Patrick McAuliffe The last year and a half has taken much from us; more specifically, our governments have taken much from us. One trivial aspect of COVID hysteria that won’t leave my addled mind alone since it became apparent to me is how TV shows and movies are shot and edited in 2021. Pre-filmed movie footage and the ability of animated media to be produced remotely helped the entertainment industry peter along through the…

Mask Mandate? I’ll Pass.

By Siddharth Gundapaneni Most everyone has come to the consensus that this pandemic needs to end. But the fact of the matter is that masks won’t get us out of this pandemic. The only way this pandemic will end is through more people getting vaccinated. Sure, mask mandates won’t stifle progress towards the end of this pandemic, but are they really worth it? Should colleges be mandating masks for vaccinated students? The short answer is…

An Ethical Oversight: A response to Pipe Dream and Binghamton Review

Jonny Fast On April 12th, Pipe Dream published an article titled Banning gender-affirming care is unscientific, abhorrent, discussing a recent wave of legislation banning certain gender dysphoria treatments for minors. As a disclaimer, I am not against the existence of trans people, but I believe that minors below the age of 18 should not be able to make a decision that can have dire consequences on their lives. The article was, in my personal opinion,…

Ten Ways to Cope with Depression When You’re Losing Your Ability to Function

By Madeline Perez  Hello, Bing Review readers! As I’m sure you’ve heard, recent times have been tough—and I totally agree! I myself for the last couple of years have been becoming intimately familiar with the exact pain-tolerance of my own psyche. The hopelessness has since overflowed and my brain supersaturated with it until I had  no choice but to scream out “the horror, the horror,” and so on and so forth. I’ll spare the details.…

Cracking Open a Case of Corona

By Harold Rook Hey, everyone, it’s Harry, and I…huauh…HUUURAGH *splattering*! *Sniff* Damn it, it’s everywhere! Anyway, I’m…huauh…sick as hell…probably the *cough* sickest I’ve been in a long time. And I know exactly what’s wrong with me! I must have contracted *cough* the modern-day Bubonic Plague. Of course, I’m talking about *sniff* the terror, the microbial grim reaper, a killer so terrifying it has gripped the world with fear! It’s the…huauh…coronavirus…HUUURAGH *splattering*! Ugh, not the keyboard!…

Post-Nut Clarity: The Hard Truth

By Madeline Perez   As you know, here at the Binghamton Review, we abstain from “nutting” and its implications, but with No-Nut November coming up, we thought a related article would be appropriate. So we put in the hard work for you. As a human past the age of 14, chances are you’ve heard of post-nut clarity or maybe even experienced it for yourself. Some of you probably just passed it off as a joke…