Does Arthur O’Sullivan Pass the Physiognomy Check?

By Comson Cao “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” or so we’ve been told. Many of us have been taught at a young age that it’s what’s inside that really matters and that we shouldn’t let a person’s physical appearance bias our perception of him or her. But that’s just a pleasant myth. Knowledge bestowed upon us for thousands of years from our ancestors demonstrates that the mind and body are linked together. Physiognomy,…

Does Rodgers Edge Dick? Hank Pecker Weighs In

Target “Tugboat” Thatcher Preface: Every four years, the impending doom of the Presidential election looms over the heads of millions of median voters across the great state of America. Both the Republican and Democratic nominees and their respective handlers have, yet again, become the talk of the landfill that is Twitter (X sounds like a porn site, so I’ll refrain from repeating or using it). However, a new figure has entered the presidential dogfight, and…

I have a really cool idea

By Heart-thur oh Soul-livan A specter is haunting Binghamton — the specter of incel-ism. There’s no use denying it: Binghamton Review, once the refuge of scholars, has degenerated into a bunch of malodorous men—more terminally online than a WiFi router—vomiting their written screed onto a Google document, clicking the “share” button, and sending their works of ‘genius’ to There, the man behind the account, no less miserable than his writers (but now with a…

Do Democrats Dream of MAGA Sheep? A Transmission from the Future.

By Arthur O’Sullivan Editor’s note: I’ve received some strange articles in my time as Editor-in-Chief, but I’ve never seen an article like this. The other day, “Arthur O’Sullivan” had sent me an article from an email I didn’t recognize. I had no memory of writing the message therein. Nevertheless, he bore all of my style and mannerisms, not to mention him knowing many private details of my life. To that end, I’m forced to believe…

A Freshman, Requesting a Higher Grade 

By Xanax Anaximander “If you want a picture of the future of academia, imagine ChatGPT stamping on a professor’s inbox—forever.” -Xanax Anaximander, 2024 I, Xanax Anaximander, have taught philosophy and politics for many years at Binghamton. Since 19-dickety-thrembo, students have always been grade-grubbing. By handwritten note, by email, by a rock thrown through my window at 3 am etc., students would invariably demand some absurd “round up” for their crappy grades. The notes at least…

Italian-Americans Are The Real Italians

Angelo DiTocco As a third-generation descendant of Italian immigrants, it’s not very often that I think about my heritage. The idea of being “Italian” is more of a simple fact about me than a way of life. I can only name a couple of cities in Italy, and my knowledge of the language only goes about as far as moving my hands around while repeating “boppa di boopi”. And although some may view my culture…

Bing Review’s Sex Songs

By Our Staff Some may read this magazine and think, “man, Bing Review must have absolutely NO sex.” To this we say, “nuh uh.” We have plenty of sex, not just with your mom, but with HER mom too. And when we do it, we like to have some music playing in the background because we’re just cool like that. The following is a selection of our favorite songs for our (many) sexual escapades. She…

The Lecture From Hell

Angelo DiTocco BINGHAMTON, NY, Feb. 8 – A local mathematics professor at New York’s “Premier Public Ivy” has reportedly held one of the most excruciatingly long class sessions in history, according to Jack Hutchington, a student in the class who had been planning to make a move on his female colleague that day. “What I went through has to fall under cruel and unusual punishment!” exclaimed Jack in an interview, still in traumatic shock from…

The 10 Worst Things I’ve Ever Eaten

Angelo DiTocco If you’re an avid reader of Binghamton Review (as you should be), then you might remember an article I wrote in November called “How to Celebrate Thanksgiving in Today’s Economy.” In that article, I suggested that if you can’t afford to glaze your Thanksgiving turkey in cranberry sauce, then ketchup will do the job just fine. Or if Brie cheese is too expensive, you can just dip your crackers in mayonnaise or Cool…

The Decline of Western Civilization: The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of the McRib

By Aiden Miller Those beautiful buns and saucy ribs.  Oh, how I would love to devour that delectable meal. If you’re a pervert, you probably thought I was talking about your wife, but I’m actually referencing McDonald’s infamous McRib Sandwich.  For the innumerable McDonald’s historians and certified fatties, this article is not for you. I’m solely here to educate the general public about the McRib, its history, and how the sandwich indirectly led to the…

“I’m Not Calling That Shit X”: A Rant

By Liam Steele Twitter, X, Y, Z, whatever the fuck they’re calling it now, has been at the forefront of free speech (i.e., giving literally every numpty with internet access a platform) for years. With its recent change-in-hands to everyone’s favorite manchild billionaire, Musk of Eel, the platform     has expanded this free speech base and allowed everyone—even public figures not particularly favored by popular media for whatever reason (i.e., orange businessman, Chicago rap…

How to DEMOLISH Your New Year’s Resolution

Angelo DiTocco One of the most important aspects of life is becoming the best version of ourselves that we can be. We all have goals, and we all desire to achieve them. And just like November is the perfect time to stop whackin’ your worm see what you look like with facial hair, the new year is the perfect time to start realizing your true potential as a human being. But this is easier said…

How to Write a Binghamton Review Article

By Saguaro  You there! Yes, you! Have you ever wanted to write an article for the world-renowned, top-of-the-line, free speech magazine, Binghamton Review? If so, I’ll give you some great advice on how to go about writing one. First, show up to a meeting and say that you will write an article. This will state your intentions to write, as well as provide you with people to reach out to in case you need help. …

Duolingo, Burnout, and Extrinsic Motivation

By Emily Portalatin Has anyone else noticed the inability for anyone to be consistent these days? People are always CHANGING THEIR MINDS and TRYING NEW THINGS. Geez, it’s not like humans are dynamic and ever-changing. Pick your thing, stick to it, and don’t even THINK about getting tired of it, even if it hurts! Back in MY day, it was cool and impressive to do the same thing for years, even if you no longer…

How to Cope and Seethe Like a Boss

Madeline Perez So, let’s engage in a thought exercise. You are a breathtakingly bodacious babe who is looking for a man to solve mysteries with. You have all the apps and programs: Kik, Chatroulette, Facebook Messenger… Suddenly, a message! Your hopes soar, but you are dismayed to find that some 45-year-old creep has just “*tips fedora*”’ed at you, and that’s the 10th time this week. Politely you decline, assuring him that his Ramona-Flowers-dream-girl/gamer is still…