By Comson Cao Welp, folks, it’s here again. It’s the most important election of our lifetimes again, just like we’re told for all the past election cycles. If we don’t vote now, it will be all over for democracy, and we will all be living in a fascist dictatorship. Some may have grown skeptical and tired of hearing this narrative constantly, but it seems to work well enough that it gets people riled up every…
The Horrors of Minute Math
Angelo DiTocco Many adults long to experience the joys of being a child again. There were no bills to pay, no appointments to make, and no worries about politics or economics. But I’m not quite as nostalgic for the past. There might not have been anything wrong with how my parents raised me, but I still see my childhood as an era characterized by extremely early bedtimes, dinners I hated eating, and little-to-no control over…
A Peek into Modern-Day China
Midas Leung Many don’t know nor care about what’s happening in China, as the world almost exclusively focuses on events in the Middle East. But in China, shit’s brewing: stock and housing market crashes, jobs on the decline, a college degree will get you a manual labor job. The economy is on a decline and since the “one-child” policy, fewer children can take care of their parents. Many of these kids who have dim prospects…
The Scarcity of Love
By Comson Cao Valentine’s Day is here, which means the usual rigamarole of buying flowers and chocolate, going out to a movie, or maybe draining one’s wallet with an expensive dinner. We have a very romanticized (haha) view of love in our contemporary society, but who can blame us? If given the chance, lots of people would probably want their relationships to resemble the great romances: an unbreakable bond between two lovers, unwaveringly dedicated until…
How Not to Win: A Case Study of American Conservatism
By Comson Cao Famed economist and political commentator Thomas Sowell once said “When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear”. It is incredibly difficult to stick to the pursuit of truth no matter what, but it’s even harder to speak out on it when it’s against your own team. At least, that would be the case if I…
The Economics of “A Christmas Carol”
By Darina Keshtova Christmas is a very special time of the year, associated not only with widely beloved traditions, favorite movies, hot chocolate, fir trees, and heart-warming stories, but also with economic and social significance. As a person studying these topics, I find it interesting to learn about economic trends during holidays like Christmas, where countless consumers engage in transactions with thousands of sellers, annually spending around eight hundred billion dollars. Even though the socio-economic…
The Kentucky Conference or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Noah’s Ark
By Logan Blakeslee Astute readers of this publication may recall my article “Creationism in America: Faith turned Fanatical” from February of 2023. For those who have not read it, I highly suggest skimming through it before reading this follow-up, as it provides the context necessary to understand the basics of Young-Earth Creationism in the United States. With that said, I will now regale you with my experiences at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky. I…
The Importance of Lost Literary Works
By Daniel Guido Here’s a thought: consider the 3.2 million books and journals found within the Bartle Library collection. Compare that to all the text that’s ever been written down since the beginning of humanity’s ability to write. Then think about how much of that knowledge is now lost to time, perhaps destroyed and gone forever; maybe locked away in some ancient basement, just waiting to be rediscovered. As we learned in high school history…
The Jackboot That Is Not
By Comson Cao It’s difficult to live in the West today and not constantly hear some kind of call for social justice. Claims of racism, sexism, and a billion other ‘-isms’ and ‘-phobias’ abound. Even fairy tales are problematic because they enforce the patriarchy by upholding gender roles, according to my most recent reading in English class. All of these terms express a perception of oppression. Activists believe that unfair treatment or discrimination pervades “the…
Western Academia On Israel: What Could Go Wrong?
By Arthur O’Sullivan Hamas’ assault on Israel is a gut-wrenching historical turn. There can be no excuse, no equivocation, and certainly no euphemism for it. The sentence “The most Jews have been killed in a single day since the end of the Holocaust.” should not spark anything other than rage in the one reading it. Only the worst specimens of our fallen human race would defend—or worse—celebrate the massacres of the past two weeks. Still,…
B.U. Needs More Instruction in Blockchain
By Darina Keshtova We live in a rapidly changing world where new technology dramatically alters the course of people’s lives. Today, the ability to receive timely information about the emergence of new revolutionary technologies, the ability to anticipate the changes that they will cause, and to be among the people who apply, promote, and develop innovations is becoming a prerequisite for success. This knowledge can also protect us from spending limited, dead-end resources (in an…
“I have so much to say about the Roman Empire. I’m sorry”
By Toby Olson In the three days that I was home over the long weekend, my sister asked me how often I think about the Roman Empire. In asking this question, she was laying a trap. I’m taking two classes this semester that deal directly with the Romans and their legacy, so my readiness to say, “yeah all the time” to that question was immediately ridiculed. I immediately jumped in defense of my fascination with…
By our staff Hey everyone!!! I just compiled this crazy quiz for funsies! Hope you enjoy and NO PEEKING at the results until you’re done!! What’s was your basal body temperature at the moment you woke up this morning? How much chocolate did you eat today?? Be HONEST! How are you feeling? Who are you currently listening to?A. The Good life – Weezer B. Across the sea – Weezer C. Tired of sex – Weezer …
Uncommon Advice for College
By Arthur O’Sullivan Hi Freshmen. Are you sick of the generic “Advice for Freshmen” that everyone and their grandma vomits everywhere you turn? The advice that goes like “stay hydrated ;)!” and “don’t overwhelm yourself :3” and “be nice to your roommates :::::::::)))))))))))),” et cetera et cetera? Would you sooner eat a lick your communal bathroom’s floor than listen to another “Study tips you NEED to know to succeed”? Well first of all, stop whining.…
The Shibboleths – A Sequel to “Magic Words”
By Arthur O’Sullivan Oh, great! I write a massive text-wall about stupid terms in politics and then I use a word like “Shibboleth.” For clarification, this word was used in the Old Testament as a test of identification: if you pronounced it right, you were spared; if wrong, you were killed as an impostor. The word itself was no secret, and everyone knew its meaning, but only one group of people used it, and its…