The Kentucky Conference or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Noah’s Ark

By Logan Blakeslee Astute readers of this publication may recall my article “Creationism in America: Faith turned Fanatical” from February of 2023. For those who have not read it, I highly suggest skimming through it before reading this follow-up, as it provides the context necessary to understand the basics of Young-Earth Creationism in the United States. With that said, I will now regale you with my experiences at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky.  I…

Western Academia On Israel: What Could Go Wrong?

By Arthur O’Sullivan Hamas’ assault on Israel is a gut-wrenching historical turn. There can be no excuse, no equivocation, and certainly no euphemism for it. The sentence “The most Jews have been killed in a single day since the end of the Holocaust.” should not spark anything other than rage in the one reading it. Only the worst specimens of our fallen human race would defend—or worse—celebrate the massacres of the past two weeks. Still,…

What “El Lento” Gets Wrong about Abortion

By Arthur O’Sullivan In the previous issue of Binghamton Review, the pseudonymous author “El Lento” published an article titled, “The Problem with the Pro-Life Movement.” Being “pro-life” myself, I’m used to defending my beliefs in all the conventional ways: No, pro-lifers don’t just have a control fetish. No, Republicans generally don’t want to kill babies once born. No, you can’t prove “scientifically” that abortion is right or wrong. And so on, and so on, and…

The Problem with the Pro-Life Movement

By El Lento Presidential hopeful Ron Desantis made headlines recently when he announced that he did not believe that women who had an abortion should be criminally punished, even if it were illegal. This was naturally controversial. It satisfied neither committed pro-lifers, who would see such practice as rendering any abortion restriction de-facto toothless, nor pro-choicers, who would be opposed to any ban regardless. Most importantly, however, this suggestion, echoed by figures such as Nikki…

Creationism in America: Faith turned Fanatical

By Logan Blakeslee I have a confession to make: I am obsessed with Young Earth Creationism. It all started in late June 2018, when I met Baptist preacher and repeat criminal Kent Hovind at a Christian summer camp here in Broome County. The event changed the way I thought about science, evolution, and religion, but not in the way you might expect. Before I get ahead of myself, let me divulge a bit more about…

Postmodern Questions and the Project of Truth

By John M.      Now, I’m no philosopher, but I do engage with postmodern questions about the nature of truth; I feel like anyone looking for the truth nowadays has to. Postmodernism has this tendency to pop up everywhere. Some people seem to have very strong opinions on it, though I tend to wonder how many of those people actually understand the logic of the philosophy.      To my mind, postmodernism exposes the foundationless and deluded nature…

On Materialism

Joe Badalamenti It’s become very cliche to talk about “society”. Most people will agree that something is wrong with it, but what is lacking from these discussions is a proper diagnosis of its ailments. Many who speak on these issues are either grifters, or lack information and perspective crucial to understanding reality. Like many large-scale problems, the ailments of “society” boil down to a number of different issues. Though these issues are many, one theme…

Cardinal Sins and the Chocolate Factory

By Madeline Perez Good morning starshine, I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess you’ve seen the cult classic “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” or even, for you old people, “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.” If not, stop reading this right now. I’m not going to be the one to expose you to the horrors of the chocolate factory before you’re ready, but if one day you happen to see either…