The BDS Resolution Repeal, or “Nothing Ever Happens”

By Arthur O’Sullivan Well that was stupid.  If you’re just tuning in, last semester’s Student Association bill, S2324-R11 (Resolution Calling for Binghamton University Divestment), has been rescinded. As I’ve written previously, the resolution mandated that the Student Association call for a ceasefire in Gaza and denouncement of Israel, implementing the principles of SUNY BDS (an activist organization which calls for SUNY schools to completely break all ties with Israel). I didn’t like the bill then,…

The Interesting Life of William Bingham

By Daniel Guido What’s in a name?  Have you ever asked yourself where the name Binghamton comes from? It has to be named after someone important, right? A name befitting of the “Premier Public Ivy.” You would actually be correct in this assumption. Binghamton is named after William Bingham, an important early American whose story is not well known by the modern public. Born in Philadelphia in 1752, William Bingham experienced the American Revolution firsthand…

The Meal Plan Scam

Shane Rossi At the fundamental level of human existence, eating is essential. Binghamton University is struggling to meet this basic need. The meal plan has failed to properly service the students, and instead has been used to benefit Sodexo and the University. Although their mission is education, in reality, they behave more like a corporation. Under the current system, students living in on-campus communities have to pay three thousand dollars for the meal plan. However,…

Parking Paranoia & Paver Problems

Rob A. Karr If you are a human being who attends Binghamton University you know all too well that to move from place to place you have to either use your legs or a vehicle with either two, three, or four wheels. If you’re one of these people, then this is the article for you! Traveling around campus can be a tough task. Students encounter many different situations, but inevitably everyone will encounter these two…

A Brief Dive into the History and Evolution of Food Establishments on Campus

By Daniel Guido As we kick off a new year at Binghamton University, many of us are falling back into familiar routines: settling into dorms or apartments, navigating campus, and frequenting the dining halls and MarketPlace. For newcomers, it’s a fresh introduction to Binghamton’s dining options, each with its pros and cons. Adjusting to our unique meal plan, which sets us apart from other SUNY schools, is part of the experience and shock for many.…

Things to Appreciate about Binghamton

By Arthur O’Sullivan The pope is Catholic, bears defecate in the woods, and students gripe about Binghamton and her university.  This isn’t unexpected. Whether it’s here or Harvard, it’s always in fashion to complain and commiserate with others about the thing for which you’re paying five or six figures each year. Virtually all small talk ends in some bemoaning of the weather and its mysterious ways (60 degrees in August?!), the baffling choice to begin…

Breaking the Sodexo Slop Cycle

By Aiden Miller Seeing the young and innocent faces of the incoming freshmen is always a sobering sight. Sadly, new students will quickly unearth that one of Binghamton’s most bragged-about accomplishments was a lie: its food.  “The Premier Public Ivy” often touts the vast food options it provides to its hardworking and dedicated student body. From the Kosher Korner to Subway, Harvey Stenger and his cronies peddle how Binghamton University and its food provider Sodexo…

ABC’s of Binghamton

Alcoholism: A healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shots of many liquors, doesn’t feel good and changes – ALCOHOLISM. Many such cases! Barbaric: A business major Career fair: The thing Navy recruiters will desperately beg you to come to through tears  Dopamine withdrawal: How life feels in the long breaks between Binghamton Review issues being published. E.D.: What you’ll inexplicably get halfway through undergrad.   Fent heaven: What Harpur’s ferry pulls you…

Good Riddance!

By Logan Blakeslee I feel a slight sting with every keystroke as I write my final piece for the Binghamton Review, the greatest student publication in the Southern Tier—nay, the world. Part of my struggle in putting my thoughts on the page is that I can scarcely believe that my time at Binghamton University is almost over. Like every other graduating senior, I will be receiving my horrifically overpriced diploma and then I will be…

The SA’s BDS Masochism

By Arthur O’Sullivan I no longer fear Hell. I have seen the SA. After writing six pages excoriating the appalling state of Israel-Palestine dialogue in academia, I hoped my last article would be my final word on the subject. Unfortunately—as so many statesmen have learned before me—this quagmire has a way of sucking people back in. Those who subjected themselves to my previous articles know that I have a bit of a pro-Israel bias. The…


By Calan Ibrahim On March 26th, Bloomberg L.P. co-founder and Binghamton Alum Tom Secunda pledged to donate 5 million dollars to Binghamton University to help “to attract, recruit and retain tech talent, creating a pipeline for students to participate in the artificial intelligence economy of the future.” This is all in line and contingent on the passing of Governor Hochul’s Empire AI Initiative in the 2025 NY state budget.  According to the governor’s website, “(Empire…

The State of Israel-Palestine Dialogue On Campus, Part II

By Arthur O’Sullivan My previous article created a timeline of events pertaining to the Israel-Palestine debate on campus, up to the February 14th Peace Quad protest. It was there that I interviewed my opposing sources for the article: Saul Hakim of the Binghamton University Zionist Organization (BUZO) and a local Palestinian organizer who asked to remain anonymous. This article aims to expand this timeline to the present and give a final verdict on the “state…


By Logan Blakeslee The implausible has become reality at our beloved Binghamton University. Not since Truman beat Dewey has this college been so thoroughly shaken to its core. Donald J. Trump proved victorious during the campus mock election held on March 18, 2024. It is this humble author’s opinion that these results reveal the hopes and reservations held by the larger student body, despite the relatively small sample size. Younger voters have made their dissatisfaction…

I have a really cool idea

By Heart-thur oh Soul-livan A specter is haunting Binghamton — the specter of incel-ism. There’s no use denying it: Binghamton Review, once the refuge of scholars, has degenerated into a bunch of malodorous men—more terminally online than a WiFi router—vomiting their written screed onto a Google document, clicking the “share” button, and sending their works of ‘genius’ to There, the man behind the account, no less miserable than his writers (but now with a…