Trump’s Worst Week So Far

By Matthew Rosen   I have been a conservative Republican for as long as I can remember. I supported Trump from the very beginning when there were still 16 candidates in the 2016 Republican Primary. It pains me to say that during the week of September 10th, President Trump alienated the Trump loyalists in his base and will pay the political price. The Trump loyalists are led by people such as Ann Coulter, Paul Joseph…

America Needs Trump’s Immigration Policy

By: Don Quixote The citizens of the United States of America, fed up with Barack Obama’s refusal to stand up for America’s interests, elected Donald Trump to the presidency on a platform of America First. Obama failed as president to uphold the very purpose of a government “By the people, of the people, and [most importantly] for the people.” The purpose of a government is to provide a collective benefit to the citizens of a…