Trump’s Worst Week So Far

By Matthew Rosen   I have been a conservative Republican for as long as I can remember. I supported Trump from the very beginning when there were still 16 candidates in the 2016 Republican Primary. It pains me to say that during the week of September 10th, President Trump alienated the Trump loyalists in his base and will pay the political price. The Trump loyalists are led by people such as Ann Coulter, Paul Joseph…

Death in Virginia

By Josh May One of the most common criticisms of the right by the left is something along the lines of, “There go the Republicans again, same old same old.” The attack is meant to imply that the GOP has no fresh ideas, sticks to the same outdated philosophy, election after election and offers nothing new or positive for the country. As a conservative, I would be expected to refute this. I do not. I’m…