Kap’s Collusion Claims

By: Colin Gilmartin Amidst the turmoil that was my Monday morning, thanks to my 59 year old uncle who somehow trampled my fantasy football team this weekend by 70 plus points without knowing he was playing me, I tuned into the God awful channel that is ESPN to witness the tangible football plays that led to my historic demise this past Sunday. My (hopefully) championship-worthy team was brought to a solid record of 4-2. After…

The NFL Meritocracy

By Thomas Sheremetta It is no surprise that the ratings for the first week of the NFL were, to say the least, sub-par. CBS reported that “viewership for the NFL was down 14 percent on a year-over-year basis during the first week of the 2017-18 season.” Seeing this number as a major letdown, people started to develop theories of what caused this lower viewership. Many news outlets, including CBS, Variety, and the Atlantic, used distractions…