by Sue Doe Nym One of the hallmarks of a functional, thriving society is the principle of freedom of speech: neither the government nor society can use violence, or the threat of violence, to intimidate you into silence. But after their embarrassing defeat to Donald Trump, the Left has grown more and more shrill and desperate; as a result, they’ve grown more radical (and quite frankly idiotic). Portions of their ideological movement have taken a…
Under Eight Feet of Water, Divisive Politics Still Prevail
By Aditi Roy On Friday, August 25th, a Category 4 hurricane hit the coast of Texas with winds reaching over 130 mph and over 50 inches of rainfall. Hurricane Harvey claimed the lives of over 40 people and has been estimated to have caused over $125 billion in damages. The tragedy brought out the worst of mother nature, along with the best and worst in mankind. Usually people put aside their…