By Joe Badalamenti As the most innovative breakthrough in 21st century communication, social media has revolutionized the world of communication. Users have the power to share any thought, picture or video that comes to mind and display it for the world to see. Moreover, users can come together and form online communities, whether for something serious such as an awareness campaign or a lighthearted group chat. Despite these positives, frequent usage of these sites has…
The Politicization of Tragedy
By Annoyed Observer It’s the exact same story every time a tragedy ensues, the only difference being in the details. It starts off with grim news reports that get plastered at the top of the trending stories all over social media. Then we get the body count, with more people confirmed injured or dead as time goes on. #PrayFor_____ and #ThoughtsAndPrayers trend on Twitter almost immediately. Shortly after, the perpetrator’s photo, life story, race, and…
Under Eight Feet of Water, Divisive Politics Still Prevail
By Aditi Roy On Friday, August 25th, a Category 4 hurricane hit the coast of Texas with winds reaching over 130 mph and over 50 inches of rainfall. Hurricane Harvey claimed the lives of over 40 people and has been estimated to have caused over $125 billion in damages. The tragedy brought out the worst of mother nature, along with the best and worst in mankind. Usually people put aside their…
Tech Tock, Tech Tock
By Jason Caci A technocracy is a government that is run by scientists, engineers, or experts in technology. I cannot tell you when the United States will become a technocracy, although the completion of the transition could occur in twenty years, forty years, or even a century or two. However, I can say with confidence that it will happen eventually. Heck, most of the world will probably be run under a technocratic government. Since the…