The Most Interesting Politician in the World

By Sean Glendon I thought Drake and Justin Bieber were the only sources of entertainment that came from Canada. Then I did some research and realized that Seth Rogen, Ryan Gosling, Michael J. Fox and Michael Cera are all Canadian, so I guess they’ve got some entertaining people. But forget about them and everything else that you ever thought was cool about Canada. They’re nothing compared to Toronto’s mayor, Rob Ford. Rob Ford is Politics…

John F Kennedy: In Memoriam

By Daniel Milyavksy This past November 23rd marked the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Most of the media coverage has focused on the assassination itself, and the various conspiracy theories behind it. Texas Governor John Connolly, who was sitting in front of JFK at the time and during the course of the shooting was hit in the chest, wrist, and thigh, questioned the single bullet theory, although he did believe that Lee Harvey…


To Our Invaluable and Dearest Readers – I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving! I have good news for you all – I’m delighted to say that the Binghamton Review is once again controversial! With protesters organized by far-leftists besieging the Pipe Dream office and Democrats making irrelevant outbursts during debates, we finally have some campus related stuff to write about and for people to hate us for! We spent most of the past school year…

December Press Watch

Quotes are in italics Our commentary is in bold Casi-NO Editorial in Pipe Dream “Today, in addition to mayoral elections, New Yorkers are voting on Proposition 1. It’s a proposed amendment to the New York Constitution that would allow for up to seven casinos to be built in the state…While casinos will yield a profit for the state, they won’t have the same effect for the economically depressed areas where they will be erected. We…

What You Missed

It has now been 50 years since President Kennedy was tragically gunned down in Dallas. RIP JFK. Guest Contribution: The Binghamton Food Co-op, the student owned vegan non-GMO restaurant on campus rejected local a man’s attempt to donate locally grown apples. When the local offered the apples free of charge, the manager rebuked the man stating “Ew, gross! There’re all icky and misshapen, why don’t they look shiny?” When the local reassured the manager that…

America’s First Cannabis Corporation

By Jake Hayutin According to the most recent Gallup Poll 67% of millenials support the end of marijuana prohibition. As our generation comes to dominate the voting population, we are sure to see a change over the next few decades. Though, the success of Jamen Shively may catalyze the process. The former Microsoft corporate strategy manager has engineered and is postured to implement a corporate marijuana empire that will pressure the Obama administration to honor…

Death in Virginia

By Josh May One of the most common criticisms of the right by the left is something along the lines of, “There go the Republicans again, same old same old.” The attack is meant to imply that the GOP has no fresh ideas, sticks to the same outdated philosophy, election after election and offers nothing new or positive for the country. As a conservative, I would be expected to refute this. I do not. I’m…

Can’t Buy Me Health: Why Obamacare is Destined to Fail

By Jake Hayutin Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum, these are our options in the ACA. Ironically, this language unwittingly bespeaks the central problem of our healthcare crisis – the conflation of health, health care, and health insurance. Our consumer-capitalistic-Keynesian-QE culture is all about making and spending money. Hence, the hierarchy of precious metals used to define our policy options – save catastrophic (likely because iron lacks luster). Following suit, most overhaul plans of the last…

Decline of Democracy

By Aditi Roy Freedom of speech is one of the basic pillars of democracy. It is a crucial element in self expression by citizens to bring control over the authoritative figures in government. Mass media is said to be the “fourth power” after the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of the democratic system. Without freedom of speech, democracy is no different from a tyrannical polity. Governments across East Asia have been suppressing the rights of…

The Trouble with Obamacare

By Christopher Medrano When the Obamacare website launched on October 1st, it was far from being well received.  It should seem that the faulty launch only served to prove the Republican view that the government cannot be trusted to be in charge of healthcare in the United States.  The representatives of this institutionalized system have been answering to the public through hearings before the House Ways and Means Committee.  It should appear that those constructing…

My First Hot Yoga Experience

By Sam Bondy I drink, so this semester, I decided that as a panacea for my ailing-liver, I would endeavor to try hot, holistic, hipsteric yoga. Catharsis. Or so I thought. As I entered “Yoga Body Shop” (the old place for all you noobies), near Wegmans, I felt terrified, like going to the doctor for a shot kind of terrified. I was with my good friend, Jake, a three-year yogic veteran, as if I wouldn’t look…

Blackface Controversy: A Letter to the Editor, and Our Response

Okay, it was actually a comment on this article, but nobody actually emails us letters to the editor, so I’ll just treat it as such. If anyone wants to send us an actual letter, feel free to email Victoria Brown November 16, 2013 at 10:44 am If anyone actually took the Binghamton Review seriously, it might be worth a few flips through previous articles that the BR has published in the past. One would…

The Pipe Dream “Sit-in”: Why This Wasn’t Martin Luther King’s protest

By Kathleen Koessler            I understand that this article may hurt some, unfortunately. I also understand that it is impossible for me to have the perspective of someone who is African-American when reading an article comparing wearing blackface as part of a Halloween costume to wearing orange makeup as part of an Oompa Loompa costume. I do know, however, that racism is still a huge problem in America. All you have to do is go…

War of the Pizza: My Frivolous Struggle to Get Reimbursed for Nirchi’s

By Jack Russo This was the fifth time I stared into the hopeless piece of paper: “Has not taken treasurers exam,” it read.  The open wrath I had unleashed on the S.A. office on previous occasions didn’t seem worth the hot air anymore. My crusade was over.  For the prior month and a half I had played a game of legal ping-pong with the S.A treasurers office. I had bought pizza for my group’s GIM…

Pipe Dream’s apology misses the mark

By Daniel Milyavsky, Editor-In-Chief Updated: Novmeber 13, 2013 12:25 pm Updated: December 1, 2013 12:25 pm Editors Note: This our first web exclusive article. I hope you enjoy it and find it enlightening! We encourage you to leave an online comment! In their November 8th issue, Pipe Dream published an opinion article by Julianne Cuba entitled “Dressing as another race isn’t always offensive”. The article defended Julianne Hough, who recently dressed up for Halloween as…