Million Student March Hits Home

By Raymond Page Last Thursday, Binghamton University students’ gathered in protest to participate in what is being referred to as The Million Student March. In a display of national camaraderie, students from over 100 college and university campuses across the nation marched in solidarity; declaring in one audible voice, their collective demands for livable working wages, free public education and loan forgiveness. Jonathan Taubes, a member of the Executive Board for Binghamton College Progressives says…

Gambling For Millennials

By Sean Glendon If you haven’t heard of FanDuel and DraftKings, you’re lying. The number of commercials they air is ridiculous, and recently they’ve been making headlines for all the wrong reasons. While there were early forms, the creation of FanDuel in 2009 was the true beginning of the the trend known as daily fantasy sports. DraftKings was later founded in 2012, and the two combine to control 95% of the daily fantasy sports market.…

What Bernie Supporters Don’t Want to Hear

By Samson Audino The first of the Democratic Presidential Primary Debates took place and according to college students nationwide and Huffington Post, Bernie Sanders came out victorious (or at least you would definitely think so if you were me, watching at a viewing party in a university lecture hall). He illustrated to the whole country exactly how he stands apart from Hillary Clinton and her corporate ties, and his supporters raved throughout the internet. Regardless…

Shit BuzzFeed Says – Act II: A Zuckerbergian Tragedy

By Howard Hecht Try as I may to escape the clutches of BuzzFeed’s tyrannical grasp on first world media, I, unfortunately, cannot. As – to put it in terms BuzzFeed would understand – “a 90s kid xD,” I am within an age range of people who are likely to possess a Facebook account, and on occasion I do in fact scroll through my newsfeed. I have gone out of my way to block as many…

Life After College

By Daniel Milyavsky I graduated from Bing this past May, and I was the editor of this lofty publication for a year and a half. I’m in medical school now, and I’d like to let my dear readers know what post-grad life is like. I’ve been living it for several months now, so obviously I’m an expert and what I write will mirror your experience exactly (I was going to put a disclaimer that what…

Cultural Authoritarianism and the Liberal Left’s betrayal of Free Speech

By Alex Carros Liberals in the United States, particularly on college campuses, have betrayed the very ideology from which their name derives: classical liberalism. Censorship, authoritarianism, and an increasing hostility towards anyone with certain opinions or ideologies has replaced civil liberty, political freedom, and equality under the law. Universities, complacent in this treachery, have allowed a hostile takeover over what should be a guardian of free inquiry and thought. “Safe spaces” are more important than…