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by Sk8teboard and AdVice

Do you ever wake up and think you’ll never achieve your dreams? Do they seem so far away that you think they’re unattainable? Why? Do you really believe it will never come true?

So why keep dreaming? It keeps you sane and your spirit alive and regret-free; your dreams keep you actively involved with your life and with those around you. Dreams propel us forward.

Our dreams can change over time. I’ve always enjoyed writing songs, but it was more of a creative outlet than anything else. Just two years ago, I didn’t think I’d be pursuing a Hip-Hop career. Originally, I was affiliated with a local label and my job was beat engineering. The label wasn’t progressing, and at one point, there was a falling out between the owner and I. I eventually separated from that label and began following my own path. I was disappointed at first, but if I’m honest with myself, I never would be where I am today if that didn’t happen. Finally, I told myself, “I don’t need them to succeed,” so I started my own label: Last Hope Entertainment™. The newfound drive I discovered within myself has allowed me to meet my goals in less time.

A year and a half later, I’ve sponsored 3 shows at Syracuse’s Funk N’ Waffles and performed at this year’s 1st annual Teen Fest at Syracuse’s Palace Theater. I’ve sponsored another upcoming Halloween show, and I’ll be performing in Virginia in January of next year. I have been progressing faster by taking charge and being in control of my dreams. It wasn’t until I was forced to reevaluate my life that I really sat down and thought about where I wanted my life to go. Screen Shot 2016-11-05 at 8.53.41 PM.pngWhat road did I want to walk? This is when I decided to create my own record label, so I could promote myself (Sk8board), and various other artists. I am not only an artist, I am a business owner. Each day, I am doing something new that involves getting me one step closer to my dreams. I can’t make it in music without a fan base, so each day I promote my brand through social media. I make to-do-lists and am constantly moving forward with my label. In order to grow, I started traveling to towns around me in order to get my name out there.  

          This led me to Binghamton University on September 30, 2016. I drove here with my newest recruit to Last Hope – Adam Cole (AdVice). We met many friendly staff and teachers. We toured the radio department underneath the Marketplace and spoke with the campus magazine & newspaper staff. This is how this article came to be. Our goal was to network and promote ourselves. This article will reach hundreds of potentially new fans and readers.

    Remember: Dreams are worth chasing. As Walt Disney says, “All dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”


My name is Adam Cole (AdVice): Last Hope Entertainment’s latest member and an ambitious entertainer with big dreams I chase one day at a time, though it hasn’t always been this way. As a child, I had a different take on the world than most of those around me. I never fit in socially and defied authority frequently. This got me into a lot of trouble in all aspects. This, in-turn, led me down a path of depression for a number of years. Fear; the deeper I went, the worse my outlook became. I descended further until I reached a breaking point.

One of two things happen when you reach your breaking point… you fight your demons, or you go off the deep end. Which path will you take? Love or Fear? Positive or Negative? Right or Wrong? I was confronted with a choice. I asked myself what I wanted out of life and where I wanted to go. I came to the conclusion that following your dreams is not just the way to go, but the only way to go. I thought about my boss. I asked myself- in ten years would I want his job. Was he happy? Truly? Absolutely not. I asked him what he wanted to be when he was my age. He told me he wanted to be an actor. I asked, “why aren’t you on a film set right now?” A sigh of regret emerged as he told me his reasons. He was unhappy, so what had he really accomplished? I have chosen the path of love. More specifically, doing what I love.Screen Shot 2016-11-05 at 8.54.51 PM.png

Today, even as you’re reading this, I am happier than I’ve ever been before. I worked up the courage to perform in front of my entire high school (West Genesee), collectively accounting for 2000+ people. After that, I put myself out there further and ended up winning the award of Mr. West Genesee. Writing over 70 songs, attending countless open mic venues and 10 shows including TeenFest 2016 and various house parties has kept me busy. Then, after graduating, I went back to my old high school to speak and perform at the freshman orientation. Pretty amazing compared to the middle school version of myself that was self conscious about the pitch of his own voice and would go days on end without speaking to anybody…

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The point of this passage is to tell my story, to inspire readers and encourage you to follow your passion – whatever it may be. I know the odds are great and you are faced with adversities, but no dream has ever been attained without hard work and perseverance.

Be a leader… because the only thing leaders follow are their dreams.  

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