The Case for Home Economics in Modern Society

By Rebecca Goldstein When you hear the term “home economics,” what do you think of? I personally think of a bunch of young girls from the 1950’s, learning how to sew and cook for their future husbands. What about shop class? I think of shitty birdhouses and a creepy one-eyed, three-fingered teacher. Honestly, this is probably exactly what these classes were like in the 1950’s. However, times have changed and the content of these classes…

The New York Mets and Politics

By John Restuccia Politics has become one of the most disappointing aspects of life in the last 11 years. It seems as though no matter what happens, everyone loses and gets upset. We break major boundaries by electing our first African American president; that’s awesome! He implements policies like Obamacare and drone strikes that have killed over 100 civilians; not good. We elect a man who is considered an outsider to the political system with…

Steven Crowder and Dialecticism

By Patrick McAuliffe Steven Crowder is a Canadian conservative YouTube personality that posts videos such as “Why Generation Z is So Conservative” and “Top 5 Reasons Elizabeth Warren’s a RACIST FRAUD!” What most people know him from is the “Change My Mind” meme, sparked from a picture of him at his table for his “Male Privilege is a Myth: Change My Mind” video. The premise of these videos is that he goes onto college campuses…

Voting is Not a Civic Duty

By Jonathon Mecomber We’ve all heard it: “Voting is your civic duty.” This is not only false, but it is also a dangerous idea. In 2015, Barack Obama told the City Club of Cleveland that America should consider mandatory voting. He said, “It would be transformative if everybody voted — that would counteract money more than anything.” Admittedly, this actually did seem like a good point to me at first. If everyone voted, then corrupt…

Alien Pond Scum and Abortion

By Patrick McAuliffe This is going to be a real throwback to our second issue of the year, where I discussed the morality of humans leaving our planet and colonizing a new one, essentially killing any (likely simple) life that lived there. The professor in my class on the epistemic limits of science brought this up to the students, and I struggled with it in my first article. Is it moral to choose the extinction…

Expanding the American Way

By Mason Carteri The American Way – individual freedom, capitalism, democracy, constitutionally restrained government, and equality before the law – has built the strongest, most prosperous, and most advanced country in history. It provides the individual a unique and extremely broad array of freedoms and rights found almost nowhere else in history. It combines thousands of years of philosophy, from the Greeks to Montesquieu, into a government, limited by law and designed to serve the…

Anarchism vs. Authoritarian Leftism

By Jordan Jardine If you listen to the mainstream media or conservative pundits, you probably have heard them make generalizations about “the left.” For instance, one can often hear someone like Ben Shapiro refer to “the folks on the left… “ No nuance, no gray area. Also, mainstream conservative commentators like Tucker Carlson can also over-generalize about “the left.” Usually, when commentators such as the ones mentioned above make these generalized statements, they apply them…