Why Experts Fail

By Joe Badalamenti Throughout the past 3 semesters, I have written extensively about the shortcomings of the both public and private responses to COVID-19. It is now December, and many states have undergone a transition back to normalcy. Some states such as Texas and Florida reverted to a pre-COVID environment for months. Despite these efforts, news about a dreaded new variant may convince officials to return to complete lockdowns. While I have provided effective arguments…

We Adopted a Puppy

Evelyn Medina As finals are coming up on us, and this year comes to a close, what we desperately need is some time to relax and unwind from yet another semester of hard work. I personally cannot wait for the break, as I get to watch my little brother go to high school while I stay home eating leftovers from our Christmas feast. However, what I am most looking forward to is spending the extra…

The Best Music of 2021

By Dillon O’Toole Well, it’s the end of the fall semester and as a result, also the end of the year 2021.  Well, technically the year ends in just under a month but I’m going to ignore that for the sake of this article.  Today, I’m returning to the topic of music, and I’m going to comment on what the best music of the year has been.  Now, this is one hundred present biased, as…

Most Controversial Binghamton Review Review!

By Madeline Perez 2019. The start of my freshman year at Binghamton University. Rosy-cheeked and baby-faced, I would still be 17 long after it was cool. Eager to be out of the stressful environment of my youth, I had a short period of ignorant bliss, unaware of the imminent rude awakening the winter would bring. But I’m not here to talk about how my greatest adversary, mental illness, was there waiting for me in the…

Clearing Reagan’s Economic Policy Record

By Siddharth Gundapaneni We know that Presidents have only so much control over an economy and that they aren’t always responsible for what goes on in a given year, but oftentimes a President is the driving force behind the economic success of a nation. Our fortieth president, Ronald Reagan was exactly that. Touting astounding growth paired through limited government principles, Reagan’s economic record was one for the books. With each party having an incentive to…

A Brilliant Remake, A Shining Nostalgia Trip: Review

By Patrick McAuliffe As a young and stupid child, I was infatuated with Pokemon and played whatever iteration of the series that I could get my hands on. My first game was Ruby for the Game Boy Advance, with Crusher the Swampert and Sparky the Raichu reaching Level 100 far before the rest of my team and sweeping anyone in my way. I wasn’t very sentient at that point, but my most vivid early Pokemon…