The Politicization of Tragedy

By Annoyed Observer It’s the exact same story every time a tragedy ensues, the only difference being in the details. It starts off with grim news reports that get plastered at the top of the trending stories all over social media. Then we get the body count, with more people confirmed injured or dead as time goes on. #PrayFor_____ and #ThoughtsAndPrayers trend on Twitter almost immediately. Shortly after, the perpetrator’s photo, life story, race, and…

What is a Hackathon

By Anonymous Imagine for a moment a room full of eager college students, who have not bathed, slept or even seen sunlight for the past 36 hours. No, this isn’t the cram session you usually do with your friends, 2 days before a test worth 40% of your grade, this is a Hackathon. Put frankly a Hackathon is a collection of ambitious Computer Scientists and Engineers who come together at a specified location (usually a…