John Carney’s 1997 Editorial

Editor’s Note: This is a reprint of a brilliant editorial written by former Editor-in-Chief John Carney in May 1997. Steal away and stay away : Education in a closing world once called free Coming out is all the rage. Postmodernism, a fancy word for life at the close of the century, might even be defined as the cult of coming out, whether in the philosophy of Nietzsche, in the endless babble of talk television or in…

They Need to Look at Issues Rationally

By Dan Milyavsky This year’s political roundtable featuring the College Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians was a rather calm affair. Voices were kept at reasonable volumes and passions were kept in check. As is the norm in political debates, nobody convinced anybody of anything, but things were rather respectful. The same cannot be said for last year’s roundtable. Then, a particularly thin-skinned member of the College Democrats made the entire atmosphere more caustic and belligerent. You…

Flashback to an Old Pipedream Interview

Q. What are the Binghamton Review’s principles? A. See page three, you fucking moron. Q. What are the most significant things the Review has accomplished, both specifically and conceptually, in its history and during your service? A. Freeing the slaves, landing on the moon and ending communism. Oh, and destroying NYPIRG. Q. What attracts you to the Review? A. The Review’s support for traditional gender roles. Q. What are some important things that distinguish the…

Press Watch

Quotes are in italics Feminism can prevent suicide Pipe Dream “Suicide among young males is an ever-growing epidemic, but there is a viable solution. Feminism can theoretically decrease the suicide rates of teenage males. “Suicides among young males are four times more common than among young females and they are occurring among ever younger males, some in their early teens.” What is the cause for these drastically different suicide rates? In 2010, Newsweek Magazine attempted…

CPAC Reflections

The Binghamton Review team attended the Conservative Political Action Conference this year, an annual event which draws thousands of Republicans, conservative, and libertarians to a conference to…do whatever people do at conferences, I suppose. Here are our takes on the experience:   Daniel Milyavsky This was my second year in a row attending CPAC. I had a great start to my conference, as I had the privilege to meet Rand Paul in his U.S. Senate…

What You Missed

 Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. Never forget, never again. It is unconscionable that something as horrifying and so clearly immoral as the Holocaust as permitted to happen at all, let alone within the past century. Who knows about what countless scientific advances and other contributions to the well-being of humans all around the world could have taken place if 6 million Jews had not perished in Europe. I am extremely lucky to have been born…

What is a Hackathon

By Anonymous Imagine for a moment a room full of eager college students, who have not bathed, slept or even seen sunlight for the past 36 hours. No, this isn’t the cram session you usually do with your friends, 2 days before a test worth 40% of your grade, this is a Hackathon. Put frankly a Hackathon is a collection of ambitious Computer Scientists and Engineers who come together at a specified location (usually a…

The Search For Flight MH370 Continues…

By Aditi Roy Several weeks have passed since Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared on March 8,  2014 on what should have been its journey from Kuala Lumpour, Malaysia to Beijing, China. Instead, recent evidence suggests that Flight 370 most likely ended up in the depths of the Indian Ocean.  What we cannot seem to fathom is how in today’s day and age could a commercial airline carrying 239 people just vanish? And why hasn’t it…

My Bitcoin Experience

By Sean Glendon I impulsively invested in Bitcoin on a Monday night. Bitcoin, as in the plural for Bitcoin. Two full Bitcoin. I was officially a money nerd or maybe an idiot. Only time would tell. Let us backtrack a little bit though, because the word “impulsively” might be a bit misleading. A few months back, I decided that Bitcoin was a cool thing to invest in. Maybe. When the price was right, I downloaded…