Communism Was Never About Equality

By Senator Joseph McCarthy The constant waves of protesters demonstrating in the streets against Donald Trump and his policies seem to be drawing out all sorts of leftist groups. We routinely see demonstrators proudly waving the hammer and sickle flag and calling for “death to capitalism”. Socialism and communism are routinely incorporated within social justice doctrine, and capitalism is blamed for all of their woes. College professors have no problem weaving in Marxist indoctrination into…

Kap’s Collusion Claims

By: Colin Gilmartin Amidst the turmoil that was my Monday morning, thanks to my 59 year old uncle who somehow trampled my fantasy football team this weekend by 70 plus points without knowing he was playing me, I tuned into the God awful channel that is ESPN to witness the tangible football plays that led to my historic demise this past Sunday. My (hopefully) championship-worthy team was brought to a solid record of 4-2. After…