Make Them Feel the Heat

By Max Newman It has been nearly a year since President Donald Trump was elected against all odds on November 8, 2016. Since President Trump’s inauguration, America has seen a new Supreme Court Justice in Neil Gorsuch, the cutting of regulations, the gradual remaking of the judiciary, stricter immigration laws and a new Federal Reserve Chairman. However, it is unfortunate that not one major legislative accomplishment has been passed under President Trump, even though Republicans have…

The Rebrand of Deutschland

By Jason Caci Despite the fact that Angela Merkel won her fourth consecutive term as Chancellor of Germany, the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), the right wing populist party in Germany, is on pace to secure 88 seats in the Bundestag, according to the Guardian. In hindsight, it might not seem like a lot of seats when one sees that the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) will secure 137 seats and the Christian Democratic Union…