Catholicism’s True Christian Heritage: A Response to “Jesus Christ was a Free Presbyterian”

By EXTRA ECCLESIAM NVLLA SALVS When dealing with Protestants (particularly those in the US), I’ve come to expect a certain degree of ignorance when it comes to authentic Christianity (aka Catholicism). They usually know next to nothing about Church history, Church doctrine, or anything besides what has to be literally spelled out for them in the Bible. I thought I saw it all, but our office received the article “Jesus Christ Was a Free Presbyterian.”…

Jesus Christ Was a Free Presbyterian

By Ian Paisley Brethren, today we mark the joyous occasion of the five hundredth anniversary of that day on which Martin Luther introduced his fateful Ninety-Five Theses to the Church of Rome in Wittenberg, Germany. He started a great movement that continues to this day. However, modern times are getting darker and darker, and it seems that we are no longer in a revival period. It is a sure thing that God will bring about another…

The War on Traditionalism

By Mike Pence What ever happened to the great American culture of traditionalism? Today we live in a society where gay marriage is celebrated and encouraged, but straight millennials are openly discouraged by Hollywood and media to not marry or have children because of climate change or something. We celebrate traditional gender roles only when they are performed by the opposite sex or a trans person. We idolize the worst kinds of people in pop…

What the Hell, Hollywood?

By Thomas Sheremetta If you’ve been following the liberal utopia that is Hollywood, you would see that it’s become a gigantic witch hunt for people who love to take advantage of others… and I’m absolutely loving every second of it. It is simply wonderful that all these pedo creeps are finally being exposed for the monsters that they are. This is thanks to all the women who have finally decided to come out against the many…

Make Them Feel the Heat

By Max Newman It has been nearly a year since President Donald Trump was elected against all odds on November 8, 2016. Since President Trump’s inauguration, America has seen a new Supreme Court Justice in Neil Gorsuch, the cutting of regulations, the gradual remaking of the judiciary, stricter immigration laws and a new Federal Reserve Chairman. However, it is unfortunate that not one major legislative accomplishment has been passed under President Trump, even though Republicans have…

Kremlin Kraziness

By Jordan Jardine Lately, the Democrats have been displaying an incredible talent for creating fake scandals to cover up their own genuine ones. The October 30th indictment of Paul Manafort is a perfect example of this diversionary tactic. I completely agree with the statement that White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders made where she pointed out that the mainstream media in the U.S. has been “obsessed” with trying to find any piece of dirt…

Sharia for Everyone

by Suomynona Conservatives of the modern era tend to consistently use terrible talking points to critique Islam. They try to rebut liberals with claims such as “Islam oppresses women” and “we have nothing to learn from Islam.” Let’s examine these claims and see where we can advance our civilization in order to be as enlightened as the Middle East, while at the same time critiquing the crucial points against Islam. Gay provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos tirelessly…

California and the Gender Debate: Conservatives MUST Win the Culture Wars

By Matthew Rosen Over the last couple of years, we have witnessed a major shift in culture wars. The story of this insane wave of the culture wars began during the Obama years, where sensitivity in the country hit an all time high. The entitled became increasingly entitled, the dependent became increasingly dependent, and the triggered became increasingly triggered. We live in a United States where, according to the left, everything you do is racist,…