Catholicism’s True Christian Heritage: A Response to “Jesus Christ was a Free Presbyterian”

By EXTRA ECCLESIAM NVLLA SALVS When dealing with Protestants (particularly those in the US), I’ve come to expect a certain degree of ignorance when it comes to authentic Christianity (aka Catholicism). They usually know next to nothing about Church history, Church doctrine, or anything besides what has to be literally spelled out for them in the Bible. I thought I saw it all, but our office received the article “Jesus Christ Was a Free Presbyterian.”…

Jesus Christ Was a Free Presbyterian

By Ian Paisley Brethren, today we mark the joyous occasion of the five hundredth anniversary of that day on which Martin Luther introduced his fateful Ninety-Five Theses to the Church of Rome in Wittenberg, Germany. He started a great movement that continues to this day. However, modern times are getting darker and darker, and it seems that we are no longer in a revival period. It is a sure thing that God will bring about another…