An Open Letter to Binghamton University

Dear Binghamton University Students, The recent events on our campus are a reflection of the struggles taking place in college campuses across this country. A group on campus accused a public official (in this case a student instead of a faculty member) of being racially insensitive and, without any public debate or judiciary procedure, forced him to resign from office. The Black Student Union and the other cultural groups on campus instigated a riotous uproar…

My Awkward Sodexual Encounters: Go Tell it On the Mountainview

By Patrick McAuliffe Jr. After a brief respite (which was a tad bit too long and boring, if you ask me), Binghamton Review is back and here to offer you a glimpse inside a student’s Sodexual encounters. This time, I went where the air is a bit thinner for some Mile-High Dining. (The name probably won’t catch on, but that’s fine.) There are two major low points that I find with such a lofty establishment as Appalachian…

Third Annual BU Hackathon

By Raymond Page The immutable buzzing of computerized cooling fans, overloaded and operating at maximum capacity, amplified throughout the Innovative Technologies Center as the third annual 2016 BU Hackathon commenced. But what is a hackathon? Well, let’s begin by stating what it’s not. There is a natural stigma associated with the word hack. Popular culture, i.e., movies, television shows and the like, impart upon viewers a negative connotation, attributing hacking to its most commonly considered…

The Dream is Dying

By Max Newman On the heels of Martin Luther King Day and with Black History Month approaching, a grim realization has dawned on me. No, it’s not the realization that Jada Pinkett Smith is serious about boycotting the Oscars for being “too White” for the second year in a row. No, it’s not the realization that Stephen Colbert continues to pander to the left by recently admitting he has “White privilege”. It is the realization…

Shit Buzzfeed Says – Act IV: 1/29/2016 1:27:45 AM

Hello, everyone – it’s been a while. Last we left off, I proclaimed my plan to destroy the soul-crushing, click-baiting, and generally irritating entity we all know as For over three months now, I have fought the good fight, teasing and ridiculing BuzzFeed for all its glaring flaws. I thought that would be enough to at least somewhat damage their reputation, but clearly, it wasn’t. BuzzFeed grew stronger by the day, and as December…

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancte

By Raymond Page When you open this magazine, you’re likely to have certain expectations.  Topics such as political theory, rhetorical analysis, policy debate, contentious and argumentative commentary, the ousting of normative behavior, societal grievances, variant perspectives in relation to ongoing political turmoil and more, regularly fill our pages. You’ve come to expect that from us. But this is different. Here I will share my testimony of truth. Let this article serve as a memoir of…

Police State University

By Tom Casey The Pipe Dream police blotter reads like an obituary. It’s the place where students’ rights go to die. “Campus police responded to noise complaint in Rafuse. 19-year-old female opened her dorm and presented the police with three bottles of alcohol.” “Twenty-year-old man suspected of smoking illicit substance hands over marijuana, fake ID and plagiarized term-paper to officers.” Only a matter of time until we read about a “21 year-old-female suspected of jaywalking…