The Progressive Past of Republicans

By Jordan Jardine In a 2017 debate with one of today’s most prominent libertarians, Stefan Molyneux, linguist and political scholar Noam Chomsky (an icon of the libertarian left) stated that the early Republican Party of the mid-19th century – specifically in the 1870’s – was opposed to wage labor and saw it as a form of “chattel slavery” because it took away the individual autonomy of workers and their own labor. As an interesting tangent,…

Space Columbus and Pond Scum

By Patrick McAuliffe I’m enrolled in a class about science and the epistemological limits of it. I’ve had the professor before in a previous class on elementary logic, but this upper-level seminar is where he really gets to put his opinions on display. Day one opened with: “There is an entire political party in America that is anti-science. Everyone in this party hates science.” He must have meant the Democratic party, right? It’s anti-science to…

From Marx to Burke: My Political Journey

By Jonathon Mecomber One quote that is often attributed to Winston Churchill is: “If a man is not a socialist by the time he is twenty, he has no heart. If he is not a conservative by the time he is forty, he has no brain.” In some ways, this very quote describes my own transition across the political spectrum from revolutionary Marxism to conservatism. To this day, I still remember the moment when I…

The First Amendment v. The Public University

By Margarita Potapova “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…” A timeless statement and objectively the most important amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The First Amendment, an inalienable right, is now under attack across hundreds of college campuses nationwide. USLegal Dictionary defines a “speech code” as a “rule or regulation that limits, restricts, or bans speech beyond the strict legal limitations upon freedom of speech or…

Battle of the Idiots

By Matthew Rosen In one corner, we have the Democratic establishment candidate. This candidate is a part of family politics, has been in office, and hopes to maintain the Democratic status quo. In the other corner, we have the rising Democratic socialist. This candidate wants to move the Democratic Party even more to the left, and believes the establishment Democrats are corrupt. If you thought I was talking about Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, you’d…

Mac and Cheesus

By Adrienne Vertucci and Patrick McAuliffe From the same people who brought you “Additional Top-Bing-S Cost Extra,” Binghamton’s finest pizza review, we now bring you “Mac N Cheesus,” Binghamton’s finest Macaroni and Cheese review. This delicacy is a childhood staple, especially for picky kids or lazy parents. It’s even good for lazy and or childish college students! Like any good cuisine, however, it can get rather extravagant– none of that “add water and microwave” bullshit,…

Senator McCain and Moral Leadership

By Mason Carteri Just a short while ago, on the 25th of August, America lost a great statesman and lifelong public servant – Senator John McCain. Senator McCain’s death is a tragedy, and a genuine loss to all of America. No matter what political disagreements this author or any American might have had with the late Senator, it would be a challenge to say that John McCain was not a decent man. Even in his…

Why I Left Feminism

By Sarah Waters “Feminism literally means equality!” We’ve all heard this trademark howl from today’s third-wave feminists. It’s their trump card (oh, sorry, their Hillary card), the place to which they retreat during any debate regarding the subject. If we were to simply look at the dictionary definition of the term, then technically they’d be correct. But if we are to face reality (something which many feminists are incapable of doing), we find that, in…

Summer Camp Lessons

By Tommy Gagliano I have been working at a summer day camp on Long Island for the past three summers. The pay is awful, parents don’t tip enough (if they tip at all), the kids are annoying, there are bugs everywhere, we’re often short-staffed, and I love every minute of it. I’m probably the only college student ever that hates having to leave their job to came back up to school at the end of…

The Pseudo-Intellectual Dork Web

By Jordan Jardine In case the reader is unaware, there is an interesting phenomenon that has sprouted up in recent times in the online political universe. This phenomenon is called the “Intellectual Dark Web.” The IDW consists of people like psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson, New Atheist icon Sam Harris, outspoken lawyer and commentator Ben Shapiro, podcaster, comedian and former TV host Joe Rogan, economist Eric Weinstein and his brother, biologist Bret Weinstein, and comedian Dave…

Ten Tips for New Students

By Tommy Gagliano A new academic year is upon us, and I would like to welcome the newest batch of poor New Yorkers and private school rejects to Binghamton University. I’m sure most of you are excited to get your first taste of college life, but you’re probably also unsure of what to expect. Like most colleges, Binghamton University has students from all around the world. You’ll meet people from Long Island, New York City,…

Four Tips for Homesick Freshmen

By Laura D’Angelo If you’re a freshman and you’re reading this, congratulations! That means you’ve successfully survived your first few days as a Binghamton University student without getting kicked out, having to call your parents to bring you home, or being found passed out on a table in C4 at four in the morning. (Okay, maybe the third one happened.) Regardless, you’ve gotten through your first couple of days of college in one piece. WOO!…

Expectations for This Year

By Matthew Rosen To all of the returning students, welcome back to Binghamton! And almost more importantly, welcome to all of the new freshman! I expect 2018-2019 to be a crazy year, so let’s start of with some expectations for both President Trump, and the Binghamton Review. This article will stray from my typical writing style and be more of a checklist for things I want to see happen politically this year. Hopefully at the…

The ABCs of Binghamton! – 2018

To make you feel right at home here in Binghamton, we’ve compiled a list of things from A to Z that make our school the greatest! Or, at least, certainly unique. Take a look! Administration: It’s certainly there. A million grinning Harveys can’t warm my icy heart when I see all of the construction, much of it seemingly unneeded. Binghamton Review: BU’s Last Refuge of Scholars. After 30 years we’re still kicking and providing the…

Left-Leaning Catholics Aren’t A Thing

By Alex Carros Last issue, colleague and friend of mine Jordan Jardine published an article in which he argued that libertarian Catholics are “a thing,” and that not all members of the Church are socially conservative Republicans. Now, before I begin, I want to make it clear to both Jordan and you, the readers, that I am not trying to shame or browbeat anyone for what they believe. He, like you, is entitled to have…