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To make you feel right at home here in Binghamton, we’ve compiled a list of things from A to Z that make our school the greatest! Or, at least, certainly unique. Take a look!

Administration: It’s certainly there. A million grinning Harveys can’t warm my icy heart when I see all of the construction, much of it seemingly unneeded.

Binghamton Review: BU’s Last Refuge of Scholars. After 30 years we’re still kicking and providing the viewpoints you just can’t get anywhere else.

College-in-the-Woods: Their mac-and-cheese is manna from heaven. Yes, that is weed you smell.

Dickinson: Golly, that field would be nice to use if construction and the snow ever allowed it.

Einstein’s: If you want to eat their bagels at a normal breakfast time, it will be lunch by the time the line dies down.

Fleishman Center: They’ll look over your resume, help you practice interviews, and sponsor helpful career events. No joke here; if anything, the joke is how little they’re utilized.

#GreenDayFriday: Make sure you accidentally yank a green shirt out of your clothes pile on Fridays, all so you might win some cheap plastic Bing swag from Baxter himself.

Hinman: As old as dirt, with community bonds as hard as rock. Good pizza!

ITC: If you aren’t in Watson you’ll never need to visit this gigantic, gorgeous building a stone’s throw away from the university. What do those letters stand for again?

Jews: One in three people you meet here will be one, so be sure to thank them for helping the school to cancel classes every other weekend for the holidays.

Kosher Korner: Another thing to thank letter “J” for, these kiosks at the dining halls have rabbi-certified foods to give you a little extra chutzpah for your day.

Library: Study rooms, computers, and a labyrinth of a basement that you can get lost in as you cry quietly to yourself.

Mountainview: LOWER on the slope than Hillside (???). Appalachian is the best dining hall with the best view, and your legs will become tree trunks if you go every day.

Newing: Your frat-away-from-frat, and the closest to Old Dick lol (see “O”).

Old Dickinson: Where counseling, freshman housing, and those Korean statues are. You’re not funny for making “Old Dick” jokes, just so you know.

Preserve: The intent was to preserve nature, but both the deer population explosion and the frequency of stoners can and will ruin the fun and beauty.

Questionable: What the inside of your toilet will look like after a few days of Sodexo dining hall food.

The Rat: “You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.” -Ben Kenobi (upon his first visit to this State Street bar)

Sociology: The college major that’s the perfect weapon for epicly defeating racist, sexist, homophobic members of the Binghamton Review and not much else.

Tully’s: HI HOW YA DOIN???

University Union: Your one-stop-shop for Late Nite frivolities, campus Dunkin’ Donuts, and sad bake sales that just want some love. C’mon, don’t you have a dollar?

Vestal: BU’s actual location, with slightly more shopping centers and slightly less heroin than the real city of Binghamton.

Weather: Who needs Fifty Shades of Grey when the sky can do that anyway? For extra kink, it gets really fucking cold.

Xenophobic: You might be called this if, like many of us, you don’t believe in the dissolution of all nations’ borders and instead advocate for smart, humane, sensible immigration into one’s country.

Yelp: We literally don’t have anything for Y, so we searched “Binghamton University y” and got this! And BU has a ⅘ star rating with 25 reviews!

Zombies: Their club is no longer the Zombie Student Association, but Campus Survival Games has a new name and the same old Nerf-slinging Humans vs. Zombies action your 10-year-old inner nerd self craves.

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