Democrats Paint Conservatives With Far Too Broad of a Brush

By Chris DeMarco   During the Virginia Governor’s race, a defamatory campaign ad paid for by the Latino Victory Fund portrayed a white man in a pickup truck chasing after a group of “hyphenated” American children. The children in this ad were a part of the left’s usual rainbow of virtue-signaling diversity, which included an African-American, Muslim-American, and two Latino-American children. Noticeably absent was a child of European-American descent. The commercial is an attack ad on Republican…

Ten Trendy Costumes to Rock This Halloween

By Our Staff   1. Colin Kaepernick This costume is right for the times! With Colin all over the news, now is the time to show your support for the black community. What better way to do it then to dress as Kappy himself? All you’ll need is a Kaepernick jersey, some cleats, an afro wig, and, arguably the most important part of the costume, dark-colored foundation! Wow the crowd with this daring and social…

Under Eight Feet of Water, Divisive Politics Still Prevail

By Aditi Roy           On Friday, August 25th, a Category 4 hurricane hit the coast of Texas with winds reaching over 130 mph and over 50 inches of rainfall. Hurricane Harvey claimed the lives of over 40 people and has been estimated to have caused over $125 billion in damages. The tragedy brought out the worst of mother nature, along with the best and worst in mankind. Usually people put aside their…

White Supremacy: The Only Supremacy?

By Random White Dude  Recently, a wave of neo-nazism and white supremacy heavily related to political events, such as the election of Trump, has surged across our nation (and the internet). It has me, a white male, thinking a lot about my place in this country. The Charlottesville riots and the events that followed really struck a nerve across the board, understandably so. Myself and other white people must acknowledge that there is a logical…