Meet Me in the AIPAC Lobby

By Mayer Amschel   In today’s toxic political climate, it seems that everything has to be partisan. We cannot seem to agree on anything, from how many genders there are to whether or not traps are gay (they are). According to Pew Research Center, the average political partisan gap has increased by twenty-one percentage points since 1994. Democrats and Republicans will split hairs on everything from tax reform to Civil War statues, but there is…

The Curious Case of Feminist Philosophy

By Patrick McAuliffe Jr.   I never knew that such a thing existed, but this semester I was introduced to feminist philosophy. When my Introduction to Philosophy class was assigned our first feminist philosopher, Linda Alcoff, her work began with a brief defense of the necessity for feminist philosophy that Alcoff gave at a conference at Boston University in 1998. Apparently, former President of BU (heh) John Silber criticized feminist, Marxist, and postmodern philosophers for…

Israel, Africa, and Poles? Oh my!

By Pino Che   According to the Times of Israel, [1] the Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon expressed outrage over the recent nationalist march in Poland, where 60,000 patriotic Poles took to the streets of Warsaw, vastly outnumbering the pitiful turnout of their Antifa counter-rally, to celebrate Polish Independence Day. The march, which had men holding up anti-nazi and anti-communist symbols and demanding that Poland be for God, was seen as both anti-Semitic and…

Nine Ways People My Age Grind My Gears

By Thomas Sheremetta   Not walking in an efficient manner Firstly, I am a bit biased because I live near the city, where you walk fast or face the anger of other pedestrians. With that said, I just love when a bunch of friends walk side by side together, blocking the entire pathway for everyone else. You think these slow asses would understand the frustration they’re causing, as humans veer off the sidewalk to get past…

Hocus Pocahontas

By Jordan Jardine President Trump inadvertently caused quite a stir on Monday while honoring three Native American veterans that served as “code talkers” in World War II who sent clandestine messages using obscure languages to lessen the possibility of decipherment. During a speech in which he referred to these veterans as “very, very special people,” Trump also used his speech as a platform to take an understandable and well-deserved jab at Massachusetts Democratic Senator, Elizabeth…

Congressional Republicans, Adapt or Perish

By Max Newman As of writing this, it has been 387 days since President Trump was elected president, and 313 days since Donald Trump was inaugurated as president. And yet, it seems like absolutely nothing has changed in today’s dumpster fire of a Republican Party. Sure, President Trump was elected on a surge of working class fury and ordinary American rage at everything Washington D.C. represents, and interestingly enough, some Democrats have finally seen the…

If You Say “Happy Holidays”, You’re a Bigot

By Tommy Gagliano It is now December, and that means the most problematic time of the year is upon us. Everything turns red and green, Christmas songs dominate the radio, and everyone assaults each other in an attempt to get the last Nintendo Switch at Walmart as the world’s largest display of Christian privilege approaches. Thankfully, the highly offensive and exclusionary phrase “Merry Christmas” has been discarded, at least by most retailers. The phrase that…

Changes for Democrats, Concerns for Republicans

By Matthew Rosen   Last edition I commented on the current state of the Culture Wars, so this week I decided to shift over to the Political War. The reason for this is that the last two weeks contained two major revelations that could change the state of both major parties. First of all, Bernie was crowned King of Democrats: The story of King Bernie began way back in 2012 when President Obama drained all…

Love you BU, but you got no spirit

By Thomas Sheremetta I’ve been at this school for almost a year and a half, and in no way do I regret coming here; however, the one major drawback of this university (besides the cold), is that there is NO DAMN SPIRIT. I guarantee most people came here because it’s the “public ivy” of SUNY schools; that’s surely why I came. But, these same people barely make an effort to show any kind of pride towards…

Doctor Who? Not You

By Jason Caci   Doctors have been too quick to prescribe medications to their patients whenever they deal with arthritis, migraines, or any sort of general pain. Florida State University researcher Jeffrey Lacasse conducted a study and found that out of 235 bereaved parents, “37.4 percent of those participating in the study were prescribed a psychiatric medication to help them cope, with some receiving prescriptions within a week of losing their children.” Lacasse pointed out…

Democrats Paint Conservatives With Far Too Broad of a Brush

By Chris DeMarco   During the Virginia Governor’s race, a defamatory campaign ad paid for by the Latino Victory Fund portrayed a white man in a pickup truck chasing after a group of “hyphenated” American children. The children in this ad were a part of the left’s usual rainbow of virtue-signaling diversity, which included an African-American, Muslim-American, and two Latino-American children. Noticeably absent was a child of European-American descent. The commercial is an attack ad on Republican…

The MRC and Microaggressions

By Tommy Gagliano Recently, Binghamton University students in certain classes were required to attend a mandatory lecture by the Multicultural Resource Center. The lecture was an hour long, and focused primarily on microaggressions. Along with the lecture, each student was given two handouts – one with examples of microaggressions, and another with tools to fight against microaggressions. Both handouts were formatted as charts. The first handout had 3 columns – the theme, examples of microaggressions…