They Need to Look at Issues Rationally

By Dan Milyavsky This year’s political roundtable featuring the College Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians was a rather calm affair. Voices were kept at reasonable volumes and passions were kept in check. As is the norm in political debates, nobody convinced anybody of anything, but things were rather respectful. The same cannot be said for last year’s roundtable. Then, a particularly thin-skinned member of the College Democrats made the entire atmosphere more caustic and belligerent. You…

What You Missed

It has now been 50 years since President Kennedy was tragically gunned down in Dallas. RIP JFK. Guest Contribution: The Binghamton Food Co-op, the student owned vegan non-GMO restaurant on campus rejected local a man’s attempt to donate locally grown apples. When the local offered the apples free of charge, the manager rebuked the man stating “Ew, gross! There’re all icky and misshapen, why don’t they look shiny?” When the local reassured the manager that…