What the Hell, Hollywood?

By Thomas Sheremetta If you’ve been following the liberal utopia that is Hollywood, you would see that it’s become a gigantic witch hunt for people who love to take advantage of others… and I’m absolutely loving every second of it. It is simply wonderful that all these pedo creeps are finally being exposed for the monsters that they are. This is thanks to all the women who have finally decided to come out against the many…

Entertainment & Politics Don’t Mix

By Thomas Sheremetta Nothing is better than coming home from a long day of schoolwork and winding down. Some people use this free time for social media, YouTube, video games, and television. We use these forms of entertainment as a way to clear our mind from our real-life affairs. These affairs can include triumphs, hardships, and everything in between. Another affair we must deal with on a daily basis, whether we like it or not, is…