The US Government is Officially Shut Down! …WAIT WHAT???

By William Schneider   Many would say that today is a proud day to be living in a country which is finally adopting a universal healthcare program. Are you for it? Against it? Regardless of your stance, I’m sure you are all quite familiar with “that guy” who can hear the words “hospital” and “Obama” two lecture halls over and immediately springs into action, making sure everyone knows his life-changing opinion on the matter. Well…

Stop Sensationalizing Shootings

By Sean Glendon Does the name Steve Curnrow ring a bell? How about Erin Peterson? Maybe Noah Pozner sounds familiar? Veronica Moser-Sullivan? No? Kenneth Bernard Proctor? Here’s a second list of names: Eric Harris. Dylan Kleboid. Seung-Hui Cho. Adam Lanza. James Holmes. Aaron Alexis. I’m sure you’ve recognized that second list as the list as the perpetrators in the mass shootings of Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook,  Aurora, and the Washington Navy Yard respectively. At…

Breaking Bad: Walt vs. Jesse

Jack Russo The road to hell is paved with Crystal Why Breaking Bad is a Libertarian Parable on unintended consequences The following is rated Sulfur for spoilers. After screaming in a fit of rage at the editor of this publication during the waning episodes of Breaking Bad (don’t worry he was yelling back), I thought it might be more productive to articulate my thoughts rather than foaming at the mouth. The point of contention was…

The Saudi Connection

By Jack   Why most 9/11 conspiracy theories suck and the truth about Al-Qaeda When it comes to 9/11 there’s little room for compromise in a debate that make’s most Americans uncomfortable. On one side there’s 9/11 Truthers, who will claim anything and everything from explosives planted inside the World Trade Center, to remote controlled planes to no planes at all (seriously?). Why the Bush administration would take enormous risks to construct such an elaborate…


Asbestos- It’s everywhere! Breaking Bad- Sometimes, being a student at Binghamton can drive you so crazy that you almost want to drive out into the desert and start cooking meth. Judging by the way a lot of the townies look, you may very well have a pretty avid customer base here! Chipotle- Welcome to the first world Binghamton! We finally have a few places to eat around here that make Binghamton feel like a normal…

What Moves the Market

By Sam Bondy The actions of the stock market during the past few months have been mostly unprecedented.  The reasons underlying the volatility of major indices ranging from the Dow Jones Industrial Average to the S&P 500, were not so much due to financial analyses, but were sparked by comments made by people such as Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve. The “go-to” benchmark in determining how interest rates are being affected by market…

Elon’s Musk

By Jacob Hayutin Senior Student of Philosophy, Politics & Law/ History         Tesla, the California-based company that manufactures electric cars, has out performed expectations and speculators remain bullish. A luxury electric car has come to market with premium ascetics and a practical range of over 200 miles. TSLA had an initial public offering (IPO) under $20 per share three years ago and is now trading above $180.         CEO and founder Elon Musk’s success can…

But I’m not doing anything wrong…

By Jack Our surveillance state might be harming our economy more than protecting national security. The debate between national security vs. individual privacy is as American as the fourth amendment. Yet it could not be more two-dimensional. Conservatives will stress the importance of fighting terrorism and protecting lives, even if that means ignoring the fourth. Liberals and Libertarians will decry the loss of privacy, liberty or death they say. Besides you wouldn’t want those sexts…

A Bleak Dawn for Greece

By Anonymous   In the midst of a declining economy and an overwhelming influx of illegal immigration, many Greeks are beginning to feel their government is failing them. Hospitals are crowded, safety-nets are being cut and most unskilled labor is being monopolized by immigrants (both legal and illegal), as well as refugees. In the traditional Greek spirit of skepticism, many citizens have decided to support fringe movements rather than established political parties. One such party is…