SA Endorsements

“I got a lot of problems with you people, and now you’re gonna hear about it!” – Frank Costanza, on Seinfeld This is not how we feel about the current slate of candidates running, who haven’t really had a chance to screw up yet, but rather about the SA as a whole, and the changes that have been made. Below you will find our endorsements for this year’s elections, but more importantly, first we will…

Press Watch

Editor’s Note: This is where we expose the mediocrity of other publications. Quotes from the article are in quotes, and our comments are in bold. Prospect Editorial -Prospect “…We are part of the same community and act in togetherness. Yes, my worldview is very idealistic, some might say naive.” I’d actually call it silly and immature, but different strokes for different folks! I’m not exactly sure what “acting in togetherness” even consists of, but that just…

What You Missed

What You Missed For no good fucking reason, Obama announced several days ago that fourth graders and their families will have free admission to all national parks for 2016. Why not third graders? Why not fifth graders? Who knows? Hope and change! Yes we can! First black president! Someone has been slipping copies of the Worker’s Vanguard, a commie newspaper which ironically, unlike our free issues, costs 50 cents. Headlines include: “Picket Lines Mean Don’t…


Dear Readers, My name is Sean Glendon and this is my first.issue as Editor in Chief. I’m a Junior in SOM, and am very excited to continue the traditions of Binghamton Review. Having learned so much from my predecessors, Dan Milyavsky (who’s still around to help, luckily!) and Jake Hayutin since becoming involved my freshman year, I am thrilled to have the ability to continue to balance the discussion on campus through this publication. I…

A Vaccine a Day…

By Dan Kersten In 1998, Andrew Wakefield, a British surgeon and medical researcher published an article in The Lancet. In it, Wakefield claimed that the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine was linked to cases of colitis – an inflammation of the large intestine – and autism spectrum disorders. In the immediate aftermath, parents panicked and vaccine rates dropped dramatically. Investigations into Wakefield uncovered that he had not reported several conflicts of interest, violated many…

The Most Lethal Sniper in History

By Chris Gil Clint Eastwood is commonly referenced to as an immense talent in the film industry of the United States. With recognizable roles in films such as “Unforgiven”,” Million Dollar Baby” and “The Good, The Bad and the Ugly”, Clint Eastwood earns his credibility as an actor. Eastwood’s career as a director is even more successful awarding him all four of his Oscar wins. Thus it is no surprise that his latest film, “American…

Daytona 500 Dollar Contribution

By Yesac Roanoke An age-old joke recommends that politicians don the logo coated jumpsuits of NASCAR fame. Nearly every politician accepts funding from companies. The influence of big money in politics is a flashpoint in America. American belief maintains that big money is eroding democracy and corrupting officials. NASCAR jumpsuits are humorously suggested to promote transparency in politics. A more serious consideration surfaced in New York. Governor Andrew Cuomo, and an increasing tide of state…

The Interview in Review

By Chris Gil There was a lot of hype for the launch of this movie, as the arguably greatest comedic duo of this decade teamed up yet again in a movie about the murder plot of North Korea’s current leader Kim Jong-un. Seth Rogen and James Franco have produced some of the funniest movies in recent years, including Pineapple Express and This is the End. For The Interview, a movie with as ridiculous of a…

Libertarians’ Ron Paul Dilemma

By Dan Milyavsky It’s no secret that Ron Paul’s presidential candidacies in 2008 and 2012 were integral to the development of today’s libertarian movement, called somewhat pretentiously, but not altogether inaccurately, the “liberty movement” by some. I fancy myself a sort of intellectual, so I prefer to cite Milton Friedman, who’s argument were logical to the core and filled with nuance, as my main inspiration. Still, however, Ron Paul was my gateway drug into the…


By Jordan Raitses Cuba has been our fiercest enemy in the ongoing Cold War against the damned Soviet menace (not that it ended 30 years ago or anything). The brutal war-hardened savages of this peaceful Latin American country have long cast a menacing shadow across the mere 100-mile-straight between Us and Them. Breaking our resolve with their infamous cigars and an abundance of doctors, the Cubans [read: Red Menace] gave us no choice but to…


By Sean Glendon The Super Bowl was beautiful this year, and not just because of the game. The lead up was phenomenal, mostly because it exemplified everything wrong with the media. Super Bowl XLIX had two huge media stories: the sensationalization of Deflategate/Ballghazi and the epic duel between Marshawn Lynch and the media. After the Patriots absolutely dominated the Colts in the AFC Championship game, tests determined that 11 out of 12 footballs that New…