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Dear Readers,

My name is Sean Glendon and this is my first.issue as Editor in Chief. I’m a Junior in SOM, and am very excited to continue the traditions of Binghamton Review. Having learned so much from my predecessors, Dan Milyavsky (who’s still around to help, luckily!) and Jake Hayutin since becoming involved my freshman year, I am thrilled to have the ability to continue to balance the discussion on campus through this publication. I am also very excited to implement some changes that help us modernize and maintain a strong presence going into the future. While we are always looking for more contributors, some of these plans will create the opportunity for involvement in ways that haven’t existed or have existed in a minimal sense in the past. While I am happy with our current writers, we can always use more! Similarly, having more students who are focused on editing and social media would also be fantastic. If any of this interests you, feel free to email me at to get involved.

Anyways, I hope your semester has been off to a great start. In classic Binghamton fashion, I’d be generous to say this past month has been on average in the single-digits. I was recently thrilled to see a Saturday night forecast of 22 degrees. What has my life come to? Let’s just hope that spring comes sooner than later. Screw you Punxsutawney Phil. As a final note – with Parade Day and exams coming up, I wish your livers and GPAs the best of luck surviving so you can continue to read us!

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