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Angie’s List cancelled a $40 million expansion in Indiana after the passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act which protected business’ right not to serve people on religious grounds.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz became the first 2016 Presidential Candidate to announce his campaign. We pray that better candidates surface soon.
The hearts of all teenage girls around the world were simultaneously broken as Zayn Malik left One Direction.

A german plane carrying 150 passengers was intentionally brought down by co-pilot Andreas Lubitz. There were no survivors in this tragedy.

H.J. Heinz Company and Kraft Foods Group are set to merge, creating what could become known as the most American food conglomerate in existence.

DEA agents had sex parties with prostitutes. A big thanks to the drug cartels for providing this fun!

RadioShack put its customers’ information up for sale as part of its bankruptcy auction.
After a video showing University of Oklahoma SAE members performing a racist chant surfaced, students were expelled and the chapter was dechartered. The National Fraternity confirmed that this chant was likely learned at a national Leadership conference about four years ago.

Rapper Kendrick Lamar released his sophomore album, To Pimp a Butterfly, which has received near universal critical acclaim.

Utah brought back the firing squad as an alternative method of execution when lethal injection drugs are not available.

Hillary Clinton deleted emails from her private server that she says are private in nature.

Lindsey Graham said that he has never sent an email and that if he was president, he would deploy the military against Congress.

Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud party claimed victory in the March 17th Israeli elections.

TEDx came to campus and our own Jack Fischer gave an excellent talk. He made Binghamton University proud.

Someone made an anime version of a space battle in the Star Wars universe. It’s pretty cool.

The Ellen Pao v. Kleiner Perkins Caulfield Byers case came to a close with a verdict in favor of Kleiner. The decision means that gender was not a motivating factor in the firm’s decision to not promote Pao, and to later fire her. This case was followed closely as Silicon Valley looked to see how a discrimination case involving the “boys club” would be handled.

Earth Hour was commemorated with the shutting off of lights everywhere around the globe. Still, no one really cares about the environment.

Amazon Prime Now was expanded to include Dallas, which joins New York City, Baltimore, and Miami as locations where one hour delivery is available. It’s only a matter of time Amazon destroys ALL brick and mortar competition!

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