Students for Change: Rebuttal

By Daniel Milyavsky My apologies for that very lame headline, but it happens. As most of you know, I wrote an op-ed for Pipe Dream against SfC and all the awful, stifling, and illiberal things they stand for. Despite not being published either in the print edition or on the home page, the article got a ton of attention and I was complimented on it by students of all political ideologies. The one thing that everyone…

What You Missed

Angie’s List cancelled a $40 million expansion in Indiana after the passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act which protected business’ right not to serve people on religious grounds. Texas Senator Ted Cruz became the first 2016 Presidential Candidate to announce his campaign. We pray that better candidates surface soon. The hearts of all teenage girls around the world were simultaneously broken as Zayn Malik left One Direction. A german plane carrying 150 passengers was…


Hello Readers,   I’m super excited about this issue, and you should be too. This double issue that features our normal Binghamton Review content, but is also introducing Binghamton Preview – an issue that we’ve written in the future! This Preview takes place in April 2017, and is something that I would love to see become an annual April Fool’s tradition here at The Review. Writing for The Preview was a very different experience, and…


Editorial: Change for Students Pipe Dream   Students for Change is making demands that deserve to be heard. Hiring more minorities as faculty, accepting more minority students, making bathrooms inclusive and requiring cultural competency courses for students are all valid suggestions and should be seriously considered by anyone who wishes to cultivate a diverse, progressive campus environment.   Do these demands REALLY deserve to be heard, or are they just a disgraceful example of a…

Students for the Status Quo

By Jordan Raitses I am sure that this is obvious, but we at the Binghamton Review don’t like Students for Change very much. They are a hateful and divisive group that claims to support minority rights, but they do not. They support their own agenda which comprises white-bashing and unfairly attacking and harassing certain administrators to an unacceptable extent. President Harvey Stenger recently attended a Students for Change event and, after approximately two hours of…

SFC Is Wrong About Minority Quotas

By Αλεξ Καρρας As many of you probably know, the issue of race and discrimination has made waves across this country and the university. In the aftermath of the Eric Garden and Michael Brown incidents, various civil rights’ advocates have pushed their ideologies unto the public with the hopes for changing things as they see fit. Among these groups is Binghamton’s own “Students for Change”, or SfC for short; you may know these people for…

Buffalo Soldier

By Stephen Ilardi I’d hope by now that everyone is aware of the truth behind weed in the U.S. Not only is it illegal, but it’s also classified as a Schedule I drug within the Controlled Substances Act (alongside heroin, LSD, and mescaline). This essentially means that the government perceives marijuana as having no accepted medicinal value for any type of treatment for any disease or illness… which is complete bullshit. While there are some…

America! Fuck Yeah?

By Robert Kozma The education system of the United States consistently ranks in the lower portion of education systems present in the modern developed world when compared to countries on a similar platform to the United States.  Places like China, Japan, Scandinavia, Western Europe, Australia and Canada continuously boast well-rounded educational platforms that produce students who excel on the international scale in a multitude of categories.  The United States, a world power and financial giant…

Rand Paul’s Flip Flop

By Luke Kusick Not even a month ago, amidst cheers for “President Paul” Rand Paul stated during his speech at CPAC “at home, conservatives understand that the government is the problem, not the solution. But as conservatives, we should not succumb to the notion that a government inept at home will somehow become successful abroad. That a government that can’t even deliver the mail will somehow be able to create nations abroad.” Even in the…

Students for Speech Codes

By Luke Kusick   “We must do away with all newspapers. A revolution cannot be accomplished with freedom of the press”~Che Guevara. The radical group Students for Change has the same mentality. Similar to Che, they have a revolution of their own that they want accomplished and that revolution is one in which no one anywhere is offended. They want a world where contradictory opinions, scary thoughts, micro-aggressions and anything that some arbitrary decider deems…

Support Deregulation Without Being a Corporate Whore

By David Keptsi In modern times it seems the majority of people will automatically label those that support deregulation as supporters of corporate opportunism. But Id rather present them with my reality, the one in which pro-libertarian deregulatory solutions can remedy the corporate favoring policies present within the current law code. My first example comes from an issue most college students who’ve taken a humanities class would recognize, the prison industrial complex. In the current…

$47,000 Alphabet Soup

By Yesac Roanoke For $2.59, you can buy Campbell’s Healthy Chicken Alphabet Soup. At 18,000 times that cost, you can get Binghamton’s varietal, with half the letters. A, W/O/C/J, F, G, H, L, M, B/Y/S, P, N. As much as they enjoy arranging bwomhclapghjysn in their educational soup bowls, students must understand the true costs of these letters. Four years at Binghamton University cost $200,000. I understand the checks we write total to about $20,000 a…

Why We Need A More Militarized Thought Police

By Luke Kusick Ever since Executive Order 7248 passed at the beginning of President Obama’s third term, Americans have become accustomed to Thought Police monitoring all of us. Secret abductions, trials where one is guilty until proven innocent and dangerous thoughts such as tax cuts, freedom of speech and the right to bare arms resulting in the execution of people have skyrocketed. In this new glorious Utopia, we have seen that the Thought Police’s tactics…

What You Missed

  Chief Justice John Roberts and other Supreme Court Justices will be ruling shortly on the legitimacy of President Barack Obama’s historic third election. While some believe that the court will rule in favor of the President, others believe he will be forced to resign leaving Vice President Knowles-Carter as the first female President of the United States of America. Dissent is at an all time low in America, after President Obama signed Executive Order…


In favor of grade equality Pipe Dream Editorial This University has done so much to address inequality in recent years. We’ve handled inequality of skin tone and melanin, inequality of genitalia, and now it’s time to deal with inequality of intelligence and work ethic. Wow, just wow. I always knew you were pretty crazy Pipe Dream, but this is a little much. Anyway, go on… It’s not fair that certain students get better grades just…