Farewell Binghamton

By Daniel Milyavsky Oh, it hurts to write that headline. I’m graduating in less than a month, and so now it’s time to put my reflections to pen and paper, or rather to keyboard and screen. I don’t have anything particularly groundbreaking or life-changing to say – I don’t think true wisdom really works that well – and my three and a half years at Binghamton have been filled with way too many experiences and…

What You Missed

Epiphany Munoz, who is a member of Students for Change, lost the election for VPMA. The first time she ran, she was the only one on the ballot, and got 70% of the votes, but that election was disqualified because she used a BlackBoard class listserv to campaign, which is prohibited. In the next election, Ruslan Klafehn ran on a write-in campaign. Nobody really knew what his platform was, but SfC wanted to ban Yik…

The Iran Deal and Other Nonsense

By Yuval Hananya Politics. You gotta love it, right? The dirty deals, the secrecy, the deception – it’s the heart and soul of our political system. It’s exactly how this Iran Deal became what it is. I do not and will not pretend to have all of the answers. Many people who I have spoken to simply throw their hands in the air and say “whatever”, or, “any deal is a good deal” – but…

Attorney General Profile: Loretta Lynch

By David Keptsi After weeks of Republican complaints and side-tracking (primarily due to her support of Obama’s executive action on immigration), Loretta Lynch has finally replaced Eric Holder as the new Attorney General of the United States. Based on her qualifications alone Loretta Lynch makes a solid choice for the new Attorney General: humble beginnings in North Carolina, Ivy League education, and experience as district attorney of east New York. When it comes to her…

Upstate Secession: Penn State Binghamton

By David Keptsi Depending on who you ask, the allowance of fracking is either seen as a highly lucrative business venture or a dangerous environmental hazard for townships. While fracking won’t actually make gasoline pour from your sinks as many more naive individuals may believe, there have been numerous studies supporting the fact that it may not be the healthiest natural gas extraction process for local public well-being. 15 towns in upstate New York however,…

Downtown Abbey

By Thomas Casey   Binghamton University, in what can only be the early onset of a midlife crisis, bought a castle in Broome County. From February 1864 to 1993, the castle served as the New York State Inebriate Asylum and the Binghamton Asylum for the Chronic Insane. Administrators everywhere are bracing for the inevitable onslaught of jokes like “Isn’t that BU campus crazy enough!” and “Well, now SUNY has two inebriate asylums near Binghamton, New…

Let’s Take a Breather

By Sean Glendon In the recent past, I’ve focused my writing within this publication to more light-hearted topics than I had when I initially began writing. My writing shifted from that of standard, serious academia to more sarcasm and humor. This topic is one that needs to be discussed and in a way that requires sincerity, and seriousness. In our September/October 2013 issue, I wrote an article entitled “Stop Sensationalizing Shooters” in the wake of…

A Living Wage is No Wage

By Luke Kusick Since the inception of the federal minimum wage back in 1938, earlier if you account for the attempt in 1933 to establish a minimum wage of .25 cents an hour, which was struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional, the argument that has been made by politicians, the public and people who frankly never took a basic economics course is for a higher minimum wage in order for it to be…

From the Editor

Dear Readers, Congratulations to the Class of 2015. Take your state-subsidized degrees and go make us proud. Wear Binghamton University as a badge of honor, and don’t do anything to tarnish our growing reputation. Please. Binghamton Review will be losing our former Editor-in-Chief Daniel Milyavsky to the real world, which you can read about in his “Farewell Binghamton” article. Dan will be dearly missed, especially when it comes to Press Watch. Verbally abusing other publications…

Press Watch

EDM festivals fraught with white privilege In Pipe Dream, by Chelsea Desruisseaux This article is so laughably moronic that it reads like an Onion piece, which makes it difficult to Press Watch. I’ve never backed down from a challenge though, unless it required lots of hard work and dedication, so I’ll proceed. “My experience at this past summer’s Electric Forest Festival proved to me that so many white people just don’t get it…I faced covert…

The Enemies List

CONDEMNED Students for Change – I think our last issue made it clear what our opinion of SfC is, so I’ll save the space. Let’s be glad that attention shifted away from them and they realized that acting up like a bunch of babies wouldn’t make everybody cave and give them what they want. Hillary Clinton – We have plenty of time between now and November 2016 to attack Hill. For now, just take another…