Sodex NO NO

By Kayla Jimenez Just when it seemed that the union negotiations for Sodexo workers had become old news, the issue came to the forefront of campus news and attention once again. On Tuesday, March 8th, the Justice for Sodexo Workers Student Coalition organized a student rally sponsored by the College Progressives to remind the students, faculty, administration, and Sodexo management that the union negotiations are ongoing, and they are not ready to settle just yet.…

M.D., D.O., Don’t Care

By Dan Kersten As I enter my junior year of undergraduate studies, it is time for me to start preparing myself for the long and painful experience of applying to medical schools. I have already registered for an MCAT review course and am fully prepared to not sleep for the next fifteen to thirty years. In tandem, I am now faced with a difficult decision: what type of medical school should I attend: a college…

Hello Nasty, Where You Been?

By Lauren Cash After illustrating its flaws and lies while also calling out its false data, I was contemplating letting up on the new American feminist movement. I’ve debunked its main points; my work was largely done. I figured that if all the feminists reading the Binghamton Review still choose to identify as such, no amount of truth could persuade them to come to their senses. There was no need to beat a dead horse.…

GOP Crossroads

By Samson Audino While so many factions have persisted throughout the GOP for eons, the rise of Donald Trump presents a crossroads for the Republican Party. Do they want to embrace and continue the message for American conservatism, or go the way of populist, rightist parties of European countries? The term “conservative” in the United States doesn’t exactly carry the same meaning in the rest of the world. Ronald Reagan called the ideology a three-legged…

There’s an Insurrection Coming

By Max Newman As I returned from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday March 4th, three things were on my mind: Parade Day, Donald Trump’s candidacy and what had happened over the past two days at CPAC. My first ever CPAC visit was an incredibly powerful and energizing experience. I heard legends of the conservative movement, like Rep. Mia Love to Senator Ted Cruz to Mark Levin, lay out what it means to…

An Atheist’s Defense of Religion

By Alex Carros Last February, the State Senate of Georgia passed the Georgia Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This bill was designed to allow discrimination, specifically against same-sex marriage, by religious leaders and private institutions. No one seriously contests the purpose of this law; it very explicitly states that it will allow for LGBT discrimination on religious grounds. So, how could anyone, particularly an atheist, actually support such legislation? Well, as much as I think religious…

A Judge to tip the Scalia: How Justice Scalia’s passing will impact congress

By David Keptsi With the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia, a vacancy has been left within the supreme court. Why should we care? Mainly because until a new justice is appointed, the 5-4 conservative majority that Republicans used to possess is now gone. The balance of judges is now even, which bodes poorly for both Democrats and Republicans alike. A majority opinion is essential for the passing of any legislation that may be interpreted as…

All Aboard the Trump Train!

By Luke Kusick Trigger warning: For all Bernie Sanders fans, Obama sympathizers, leftists, communists or whatever you identify as (because we’ve finally come so narcissistic that we can identify as anything and force others to not tolerate it but accept that that is what we are), this article isn’t for you. Return to your safe spaces and coloring books and let the right wing do the talking now.  By the way if you have ever…

Night Owl Nightmare?

By Kayla Jimenez Night Owl (NOWL): a staple of on-campus life here at Binghamton University. Whether you’re up late studying, returning from an evening of drinking Downtown, struggling to quell your late night munchies, or in dire need of a midnight snack, NOWL is essential to your existence. Prior to this semester, each of the dining halls (College in the Woods, Hinman, Appalachian, and Chenango Champlain Collegiate Center (C4)) provided a late night option, but…

My Awkward Sodexual Encounters: Tales from a Faraway Hin-dom

By Patrick McAuliffe For the final installment in my tale of dining hall reviews and Sodexual encounters, I wanted to be as thorough as possible in Hinman. It’s a rather good dining hall, even questionably worth the airfare to get there from Dickinson. I’ve enjoyed this experience, and I hope you, dear reader, have enjoyed reading about my experience. Onward! If I haven’t dropped enough hints throughout my column already, Hinman dining hall is so…


Dear readers, A lot has happened since the February issue. Locally, the Student Association’s President has resigned. Jordan touches upon this situation in this issue. Parade Day will be here before we know it, and Jessica has some tips that you should check out to survive. Sodexo’s Night Owl policy change has been implemented, and with worker unrest ongoing, Kayla discusses the state of Night Owl and Sodexo. Speaking of Sodexo, Patrick’s Sodexual Encounters series…

Citizens on Patrol: My Ride Along with Binghamton’s Finest

By Raymond Page News Desk Chief It was Saturday, February 21, 11:20 p.m., and I was about to embark on a wild and exciting adventure, voluntarily spending an evening with a policeman, patrolling the mean streets of Binghamton on the graveyard shift. “I must be crazy,” I thought to myself, “but here goes nothing.” With reluctance, I kissed my girlfriend goodnight, grabbed my keys, pet the pups and headed for the door; and while this…

Black Lives Matter: why it’s impending failure is a boon for race relations in the United States

By Alex Carros For the past few years, Black Lives Matter (commonly shortened to BLM) has made a name for itself in the ongoing dialogues concerning race relations in the United States. Following multiple high profile shootings of black men by white police officers, many young men and women have claimed that law enforcement in this country persists in unfairly treating and abusing African Americans. This is indeed hard to dispute when confronted with the…