“This War is Different”

By Thomas Pound It was a cold fall morning when I arrived at a sleepy suburb of Binghamton, NY to meet anti-war advocate Corey Pith. Outside his front porch blew a US flag with the field of stars in the canton replaced with a peace sign. The story goes that when he initially flew the flag, the town’s Homeowners Association demanded he take it down. He valiantly refused and weathered the storm in order to…

Politics are Fucked 

By I Hate Dale I’m tired of constantly pulling up Instagram to look at some big titty hoes and seeing that purple circle around the profile picture of some loser I went to high school with, and it’s another copy-paste on why their political opinion is superior to someone else’s. Not only does this interrupt the stories of the people I want to see (the big booty bitches), but honestly it’s sad to see someone…

The Gift of the Bearcat

By O. Crap One thousand BUC$  and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies. Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one’s cheeks burned with the silent imputation of the bulldozer that killed them. Three times Harvey counted it. One thousand and eighty-seven BUC$. And the next day would be Christmas. There was clearly nothing to…

The Best Music of 2022

By Dillon O’Toole Well, the end of yet another year is fast approaching. That means only one thing: I get to talk about what great music came out this year! As always, this article (that’s totally not a list expanded into paragraphs) will be heavily biased as I won’t be considering anything that I haven’t listened to. So, if you read this and you don’t see one of your favorites on here, I probably just…

I Don’t Care about Your Spotify Wrapped 

By Our Staff I’ve spent the last twelve months plotting my revenge. Last year I got endlessly bullied for my “cringe” Spotify Wrapped. At 100 Gecs they winced; at Three Doors Down they gaffed; at Maroon 5 they chortled. Ever since, I’ve had nothing in the gleam of my eye besides violent overthrow. Everyday I curated my tastes to the highest degree of refined culture; over one hundred years of recorded music at my fingertips.…

How Useful Is Advice?

By Siddharth Gundapaneni Lately, you and your best friend Jimmy haven’t been on the best of terms. Jimmy’s taken issue with another friend of yours, Bob, and wants you to pick between him and Bob. Thus, you decide to speak to Jimmy and try to explain that Bob is not such a bad guy, and if Jimmy would just get to know Bob, he’d realize that as well. Jimmy has a tendency to laugh a…

Coulter Catastrophe at Cornell

By Logan Blakeslee Something was amiss on the cold night of November 9, 2022. In the prestigious Myron Taylor Hall at Cornell University, a large crowd gathered to hear a guest speaker who carries a certain degree of infamy in American media, Ann Coulter. An author, commentator, and conservative firebrand, Coulter was bound to attract some negative attention while visiting one of the most liberal colleges in New York, if not the United States. The…

Am I Supposed to Eat a Dog?

by Midas Leung  One of my first encounters with stereotypes was when I was in elementary school. Though it felt like a majority of my school was of a minority group, everyone had their own eccentricities that we would soon realize made us different from those around us. Closer to fourth and fifth grade, I noticed the people around me becoming more different from one another and started clumping into their own groups. Soon the…